Making the most of our biodiversity data An update on the NBN Strategy Rachel Stroud, NBN Secretariat @RachelAStroud Good afternoon. Thank you for having me here today to give you a brief update on some of the work areas happening within the NBN at the moment.
Over the past 18 months we have heard that we, as a Network much deliver improvements to the recording, collection, verification, curation, aggregation, analysis and use of biological data. Today I will cover a few projects which we are working on to start the delivery of this.
Strategy Infrastructure Systems NBN Strategy 2015- 2020 Strategic Action Plan Working Groups Infrastructure Atlas of Living Scotland GBIF Systems Consultants Portal I will cover some of the work within our Strategy (Strategic Action Plan, Working Groups, Conference) our Infrastructure (Atlas of Living Scotland) our Systems (Consultants Portal)
Strategy Infrastructure Systems NBN Strategy 2015- 2020 Strategic Action Plan Working Groups Infrastructure Atlas of Living Scotland GBIF Systems Consultants Portal The NBN Strategy 2015-2020 has now been launched Thank you to everyone who has taken part in the development of this strategy to date. Over 500 people have written this collaborative document and sets out where we want to be in the next five years. This Strategy
“We want to make our wildlife data a treasure trove, not a hoard” If you haven’t yet read the Strategy and cannot be bothered to do so then the gist is that We want work together to make our wildlife data a treasure trove and not a hoard Research Fortnight, 28 January 2015
NBN Strategic Action Plan
NBN Strategic Action Plan Quality control and verification Mobilising historic data Biological recording online Improving biological data flows Increasing use of our data Captivating and engaging people Network support and development Strategy for the UK Species Inventory
NBN Strategic Action Plan Monitoring Progress Online space for each of the five strategic aims Progress Updates Discussion areas Documents
Infrastructure Systems Strategy NBN Strategy 2015- 2020 Strategic Action Plan Working Groups Infrastructure Atlas of Living Scotland GBIF Systems Consultants Portal Tom asked me to also give you an update on the Atlas of Living Scotland project
Providers & Users needs are not being met There is a need to invest significantly in NBN data infrastructure both regionally and nationally Providers & Users needs are not being met Missing a huge audience Atlas of Living Scotland As many of you will know, last year we undertook a review of the NBN Gateway. We heard that our current infrastructure is not fit for purpose for either data users or data partners. Data on the Gateway are governed by a suite of complicated terms and conditions which make it nearly impossible for anyone to clearly know what data they can use and the user interface does not do our fantastic network of data partners justice – we are missing a huge audience who could be using data and our collective services.
new infrastructure for Scottish biodiversity as a pilot for the this new biodiversity infrastructure the Atlas of Living Scotland has been developed and is now live in a Beta testing phase. Data available via the Atlas are available under one of four data licenses (OCL, CC-BY-NC, CC-BY and CC0) making data use very clear and transparent The site has the functionality to blur sensitive species and there are access controls available. While these access controls are cruder than the current Gateway we will be working with partners across Scotland to test these and ensure they are sufficient for the Network. We will be looking to roll out the Atlas infrastructure out over England, Wales and Northern Ireland – and ultimately phasing out the NBN Gateway. However, the time frame for this is yet to be determined. New Infrastructure that is going to help them
Last week we launched a Strategy for sharing data on GBIF. We want to resume data sharing with GBIF and over the next two months we will be working with members of the Network to identify which datasets they want to have available on and under which of the three available licenses (CC0, CC-BY, CC-BY-NC) We will be removing the data currently available from the NBN on GBIF. We recognise that the past data sharing strategy with GBIF and the communications strategy around this has been inadequate. We want to work with you be to world leaders in sharing data
Atlas of Living Scotland GBIF Systems Consultants Portal Strategy NBN Strategy 2015- 2020 Strategic Action Plan Working Groups Infrastructure Atlas of Living Scotland GBIF Systems Consultants Portal Finally I want to give a quick update on the Consultants Portal
How can you get involved NBN Data Partner Questionnaire Sign up to the NBN Strategic Working Groups Promote the Consultants Portal Come to the NBN Conference Visit Atlas of Living Scotland BE PART OF THE NETWORK
Questions @RachelAStroud