Test 4 Review
1. What were the benefits to the United States from Pinckney’s Treaty? The right to use New Orleans with out a tariff.
2. What caused the Whiskey Rebellion? Hamilton's plan for excise tax on Whiskey ate up profits of western farmers.
3. What were the Midnight Judges? Appointed by President Adams as his term was expiring to keep Federalist influence.
4. How did Jefferson and Madison respond to the Alien and Sedition Acts? They drafted the VA and KY resolutions-nullification
5. What did the election of Thomas Jefferson in 1800 prove? Peaceful transfer of power from Federalists to Jeffersonian Republican. (Democratic Republican)
6. What is the significance of Marbury v. Madison? Judicial Review
7. What was a main goal of Jefferson when he took office? To reduce government influence in people's lives
8. Who sold the Louisiana Purchase to the U.S.? Napoleon
9. Why did President Madison ask Congress to declare war on England in 1812? Because he did not get news of Britain's compliance with Macon's Bill No. 2.
10. Know the difference between the Embargo Act of 1807 and Macon’s Bill No. 2. Embargo Act of 1807- Halts all trade with Europe Macon's Bill No. 2- allowed trade with England and France, and would cease trade with one as soon as the other nation stopped bothering Americans.
11. What was the Era of Good Feeling? Proud nationalism following the War of 1812 during Monroe's Administration.
12. What did the Monroe Doctrine state? U.S. would respect the European colonies that still existed but not tolearte any further Eurpoean colonization.
13. What issue did the Missouri Compromise seem to resolve? The admittance of states as free or slave
14. What did both Handsome Lake and Tenskwatawa encourage Native Americans to do? Honor their traditions.
15. What was the pan-Indian movement? Attempt to unite and empower Native Americans.
16. Why did the Panic of 1819 begin? London Banks demanded repayment of loans to American Banks
17. What was the “corrupt bargain” in the election of 1824? Henry Clay threw his support to John Quincy Adams and than Adams made him secretary of State
18. How did the Jacksonian Democrats differ from the National Republicans? Jacksonian Democracy opposed government interference with the economy. National Republicans believed in the American System of promoting internal improvements and support for industry.
19. What was one effect of the termination of the Bank of U. S 19. What was one effect of the termination of the Bank of U.S. under Jackson’s administration? Panic of 1837
20. When did President Andrew Jackson ignore a Supreme Court decision? When he orders the removal of the Cherokee people
21. What did President Jackson do when South Carolina nullified the Tariff of 1828? Forced South Carolina to comply but reduced some import duties
22. What was President Jackson’s opinion of the Bank of the United States? He thought it was a monster
23. Who were the first two men who campaigned for President and Vice-President using campaign a slogan? William Henry Harrison and John Tyler Tippecanoe and Tyler, too!
24. Pierre Toussaint L ‘Overture Led successful slave revolt in Haiti
25. Sacajawea Indian guide and interpreter for Lewis and Clark
26. Aaron Burr Was accused and acquitted of planning a revolution that would have detached Louisiana from the US
27. Zebulon Pike Explorer who described the central US as "The Great American Desert"
28. reservation Area in which Native Americans were forced to live after losing their homelands.
29. Treaty of Ghent Document that end the War of 1812
30. Hartford Convention Meeting of New England delegates to promote constitutional amendments to increase the regions political power.
31. McCulloch v. Maryland Ruling that endorsed the constitutionality of the Bank of US.
32. Marbury v. Madison Judicial review
33. Alien and Sedition Acts of 1798 Measures that granted the president the power to deport or imprison foreign residents and that made it illegal to criticize government officials.
34. XYZ Affair Meeting during which French secret agents asked American Diplomats for a bribe and loan.
35. American System Government would support internal improvements and industry
36. Tariff of Abonminations Southerners claimed that taxes on imports only benefited northerners.
37. Spoils System Patronage giving jobs as reward for political support
38. Second American party system Face off between National Republicans and Jacksonian Democrats
39. Panic of 1837 Severe depression
40. Trail of Tears Cherokees forced to move west
41. Nullification Action to override a law passed as Congress
42. Secede To withdraw from an organization.
43. Tariff Tax on foreign imports