口病實驗平時考試 (1) 姓名 學號 日期 組別 大組 A/B/C 小組 1/2/3.


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Presentation transcript:

口病實驗平時考試 (1) 姓名 學號 日期 組別 大組 A/B/C 小組 1/2/3

平時考 (1):請標示口腔病理特徵: parakeratinization及hyperparakeratinization

平時考 (2):請標示口腔病理特徵: epithelial atrophy

平時考 (3):請標示口腔病理特徵: dense subepithelial hyalinization

平時考 (4):請標示口腔病理特徵: keratin plug

平時考 (5):請標示口腔病理特徵: connective tissue cores

平時考 (6):請標示口腔病理特徵: papilliomatous (finger-like) projections without keratin plug

平時考 (7): A lesion with keratotic plaques with rough surface projections over lower left buccal vestibule of the is noted. No induration or ulcer is noted. The patient was referred to OS for an incisional biopsy. Please explain your clinical & histopathological diagnosis (at least 150 words with downloaded microscopic pictures from KMUOP website).

平時考 (8): A 38 years old male patient complained about mouth opening limitation and feeling discomfort when eating spicy food. He had habit of chewing betel quid for more than 20 years. Stiffness and marble-like pallor change over generalized oral mucosa are seen. The patient was referred to OS for an incisional biopsy. Please explain your clinical & histopathological diagnosis (at least 150 words with downloaded microscopic pictures from KMUOP website).

平時考 (9): A 46 years old male patient came to our OPD for evaluation of white lesion over his right buccal mucosa. He complained mild roughness of the surface of this lesion. No pain or swelling is noted. He had habit of betel nut chewing and smoking for about 25 years. The patient was referred to OS for an incisional biopsy. Please explain your clinical & histopathological diagnosis (at least 150 words with downloaded microscopic pictures from KMUOP website).

平時考 (10): A 32 years old female patient noted an exophytic lesion over her soft palate for 1 month. A 0. 5 x 0.4 cm, soft, painless, pedunculated, exophytic nodule with cauliflower appearance over right soft palate is seen. She stated no habit of betel nut chewing or smoking. An excisional biopsy was performed for diagnosis. An excisional biopsy was performed for diagnosis. An excisional biopsy was performed for diagnosis. Please explain your clinical & histopathological diagnosis (at least 150 words with downloaded microscopic pictures from KMUOP website).

平時考 (11): A 56 years old female patient came to our OPD for treatment of lesion over her soft palate for 2 months. The lesion reveals sharp, wart-like projections, measuring 2.0 x 1.5 cm in size. No induration is noted. An excisional biopsy was performed for diagnosis. Please explain your clinical & histopathological diagnosis (at least 150 words with downloaded microscopic pictures from KMUOP website).

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