Miss Madge will be teaching - Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday Meet the Teacher! Miss Madge will be teaching - Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday Mrs Stannard will be teaching – Thursday and Friday Miss Dee will be the other adult working with your children each day.
Reading Books Please read with your child every night. Please sign the reading record so that we know your child has read to you. We will reward children for reading at home – reading five times at home means a prize from the goody box! Please ensure your child brings their reading book into school every day.
Caterpillar Words We will continue with caterpillar words in Year 1. Please practise these words with your children everyday. Write the words out and put them around the house – on the fridge, in your child’s bedroom! They need to be able to read these words by sight.
Maths Challenge Children will be set a weekly maths challenge to complete at home. The maths challenge is usually linked to what we have been learning in class during the week.
Handwriting As a school we are changing our handwriting policy. Children will be taught to write using a cursive font. You may notice your child writing differently at home! Please encourage this.
General Reminders PE kits should be in school every day General Reminders PE kits should be in school every day. Your child may bring in a water bottle for the classroom – no squash or fizzy drinks please. Please make sure your child's school uniform, school coat, lunchbox and bag are named.
Parent Representative What is a parent representative? The parent representative liaises with the parents in the class by keeping them informed of activities and events. The parent representative is a “support resource” for times when the teacher may request resources or support. What specifically does a parent representative do for the parents? The parent representative encourages the parents to volunteer when needed – either for activities and events when requested by the class teacher. The parent representative passes on ideas/requests from the parents to the class teacher or teaching assistant. We are looking for two parent reps (one parent rep and one deputy parent rep). Please give your name and details if you are interested.