Supporting writing and handwriting SN1014 Cathie Lacey
Micro skills of writing - task Look at slips of paper with micro skills of writing In small groups, discuss the order you think you would teach these Share the top five Which one do the children you work with have greatest difficulty with?
Spelling English is particularly difficult – has letter name and sound which can vary enormously – ghoti Some words just have to be learnt Can use kinaesthetic ‘memory’ of hand to spell Look, cover, say, write check…..
Developing writing Once have the basics, need to move on to writing/constructing sentences then paragraphs then short texts Begin by using ‘scaffolds’ for text construction (Vygotsky and ZPD) Move to different genres of text in increasing complexity Vital to engage children by discussions - links to the ‘here and now’ and to shared experiences can support talk to support writing.
Summary of key scaffolding strategies Making expectations explicit by sharing objectives and success criteria Providing models of language: - orally by teaching staff and peers - in print in the environment, books and on writing frames and language prompt cards
Providing visual support: - pictures and props - underlining and highlighting in text - diagrams - writing frames and graphic organisers Providing as many opportunities for speaking and listening with peers as possible
Links for more…..just a selection - a great website to make handwriting sheet Whole language (K and Y Goodman’s webpage KG’s article This is a site for handwriting – by Chris Jarman Interesting link between gross motor skills and fine motor skills – ie PE and handwriting. Worth a look. Dyspraxia Association website Try this for some spelling stuff Not sure of your grammar? Try this site.