Mrs Moles Mrs Jones Mrs Carless Miss Johnson Mrs Sutton Mrs Fusco Meet the Teachers! Mrs Moles Mrs Jones Mrs Carless Miss Johnson Mrs Sutton Mrs Fusco
Reading Guided reading sessions in class everyday. Your child will be responsible for changing their own books. When they have read their books and their diary signed, they can put their books in the box to be changed.
English/Phonics English linked to IPC where possible. Daily English lesson (plus Guided Reading session). Spelling sessions 3x per week. Booster reading and spelling sessions.
Maths Abacus Termly assessments Homework set on Abacus
Homework Reading: Listening to your child every night. Spellings: These are given weekly. Maths: Abacus games on the computer. English: Handwriting.
IPC Active Volcanoes Trips – we really value your contributions In Geography, we’ll be finding out how the Earth is formed In Science we will be finding out what happens when a volcano erupts In Art we will be finding out about hot and cold colours and we will use different materials and techniques to represent a volcano Trips – we really value your contributions
Rewards and Sanctions Everybody believes in praising positive behaviour and hard work! Yellow stickers Certificates House points Traffic light system in books
Rewards and Sanctions Sun/Cloud/Rain Verbal warning Name put on cloud Name put on rain cloud See another teacher – Mr Heal Phone calls or chats with parents
Lunches, Snacks and Water Free school meals still continue in Year 2 Healthy lunch boxes are A MUST! We ask children to bring a water bottle into school.
Start/end of day Children come into class through the cloakroom doors. At the end of the day children come back out through the cloakroom doors and meet parents on the KS1 playground. Independence
General Reminders Uniform Lateness Home time Photography permission slips Appointments Names in clothes
Helping in class We are really grateful for any help in class. Hearing readers Maths Gardening Any particular skills/interests
CGP books Maths Reading Grammar £2.50 each
Any questions?