The ART of PERSUASION. Created by Connie Soong
Basic Concept: Speakers takes a position FOR or AGAINST an issue. Then, they write to convince the reader to believe or do something.
How do you persuade? Personal methods:
Advertising How do you think advertisers persuade? What methods do they use?
GATORADE What’s the goal/msg/theme? How does it persuade?
SLIM FAST What’s the goal/msg/theme: How does it persuade?
CoverGirl - Rihanna What’s the goal/msg/theme? How does it persuade?
AXE - Dentist What’s the goal/msg/theme? How does it persuade?
Based on your observations . . . What do the produces of these ads want you to do? HOW do they persuade you? Categorize into three categories . . . .
Three Appeals First category Second Category Third Category Lead students to grouping into three appeals: logos (facts), pathos (emotions), and ethos (authority) Label groups only after students have categorized