Key principles of the programme The programme recognises the Government’s key projects and other policies and strategies that affect the promotion of growth and living conditions of the young people - the programme focuses on the implementation of the objectives One of the cross-cutting principles is the promotion of the realisation of the rights defined in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child Equality between young people belonging to different groups Programme was prepared in cross-sectoral manner: preparation was coordinated by the Ministry of Education and Culture, and the other ministries involved were the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of the Interior, the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment, the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health and the Ministry of the Environment
Who is the programme intended for? It is a central government programme Ministries have the main responsibility for the implementation of the objectives specified in the national programme. The ministries will use the objectives and measures determined in the programme as their guidelines when steering the activities in their administrative branches, including the activities of the regional administration. The programme suggests themes for local governments – no obligations The attainment of the programme’s objectives requires well-functioning cooperation between the central government and regional operators. Local governments are not bound by the objectives and measures determined in the programme when making decisions on how to organise their youth work. The field of youth activities is free – The programme steers government funding Civic activities typically have great significance in the youth field. The importance of free civic activities, independent of authorities, is recognised and acknowledged. The programme will affect civic activities mainly through allocating state aid.
Contents of the programme 1. KEY YOUTH POLICY OBJECTIVES AND MEASURES TO BE COORDINATED The programme includes five objectives. The Ministry of Education and Culture has prepared the programme in close cooperation with other ministries. The objectives and the measures determined to attain them are based on government policies, incl. policies defined in the Government’s mid-term review. The programme is also based on the State Youth Council's opinion on the issues that need to be included in the programme. 2. FINLAND'S OBJECTIVES FOR INTERNATIONAL AND EUROPEAN COOPERATION IN THE YOUTH FIELD Finnish priorities in the youth field within the EU, the Council of Europe and Nordic cooperation. 3. KEY CRITERIA FOR THE ELIGIBILITY FOR STATE AID OF YOUTH WORK CENTRES OF EXPERTISE The programme sets out the content criteria for the eligibility for state aid (cf. section 19 of the Youth Act). The programme mentions the theme areas where centres of expertise are needed, not the centres of expertise themselves.
Government youth policy objectives to be coordinated All children and young people will have a possibility to engage in at least one free-time hobby of their choice; Young people’s employability skills will be reinforced; More opportunities for participation and exerting influence will be created for young people; Fewer young people will suffer from mental health problems, thanks to preventive work; and Young people will be provided with sufficient guidance and other support for independent living.
Priorities in international and European activities The objective for international and European cooperation is to improve the quality of youth work by investing in: youth workers’ competence, networking and exchange of best practices development of digital youth work generation of information concerning the youth field
Priorities for centres of expertise for 2018–2019 Inclusion Reinforcement of favourable conditions for young people’s involvement in civic activities Social empowerment Coordination of youth workshop activities and outreach youth work, reinforcement of the implementation of the Youth Guarantee, and multi-sectoral cooperation to promote the living conditions of young people Online youth work and information and counselling services for young people Promotion of the use of digital methods in the different areas of youth work and competence development in the field of digital youth work; support for information and counselling services for young people Improvement of the quality and methods of youth work Promotion of versatile effectiveness of youth work; generation of research data and development of indicators concerning young people; collection and analysis of information concerning young people; and development, documentation and dissemination of new forms of youth work