DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS, UAS, G.K.V.K., BENGALURU,-65 IMPACT OF MGNREGP ON LIVELIHOOD SECURITY IN BIJAPUR DISTRICT OF KARNATAKA : A SAM ANALYSIS GOURAV KUMAR VANI DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS, UAS, G.K.V.K., BENGALURU,-65 METHODOLOGY Study Area: The study was conducted in purposively selected Markabbinahalli of Bijapur District of Karnataka. Data Source: Primary Data was collected for agriculture year 2012-13 from the villagers belonging to different occupations, social-economic classifications totaling up to 100 sample units through stratified sampling. Secondary data was collected from Post office, Banks, Panchayat and ICRISAT. Analytical Tools: Tools used in analysis were Social Accounting Matrix (SAM) and percentage. SAM of dimension 82X82 was constructed. SAM was further used to work out household employment multiplier, household income multiplier and output multiplier. INTRODUCTION Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Programme is the flagship programme of Government of India as a most significant intervention for employment generation in rural areas. The programme was launched on 2nd February 2006 in 200 most backward districts of India under the National Rural Employment Guarantee Act 2005. Presently programme is implemented in all districts of country. The programme, in addition to main objective of employment generation, is also designed to overcome the following problems. Livelihood security of people in rural areas by providing at least 100 days of wage employment in a year. Creation of demand driven durable assets and strengthening the natural resource base of the rural poor. To stop the migration of rural people to cities. Present study is taken up with following objectives, To study the impact of MGNREGP on employment and income generation. To study the gender, age and other social dimensions of MGNREGP. To study the asset creation and benefit derived from the assets created. DISCUSSION From Figure no. 1, it can be said that upon one rupee investment in MGNREGP in study area, employment, household income and output increased by Rs. 0.298 , Rs. 0.388 and Rs. 1.140 respectively. This result is in line with results of Hirway and Saluja(2008). From Figure No. 2, it can be observed migration among the participants of MGNREGP is higher (32 percent ) as compared to non participants (11 percent) which indicates the failure of MGNREGP to check migration. This result is differs from findings of Khera (2006). and Jacob (2008). From figure no. 3, it can be observed that majority of works (60.98 percent ) completed were related to natural resource conservation with 52.98 percent of total spending but amount spent per work related to natural resource conservation is lower (Rs. 1.86 lakh ) compared to work not related to natural resource conservation (Rs. 2.58 lakh). This result is in line with findings of Krishnan and Balakrishnan (2014). RESULTS SUMMARY The study area was purposively selected as Markabbinahalli village in Bijapur district of Karnataka. Both primary and secondary data were used in the analysis. Social Accounting was used to analyze the multiplier effect of MGNREGP. Multiplier effect of MGNREGP which is Rs. 1.826 which very weak owing to leakages from the village economy. MGNREGP failed to check the migration of rural workers to urban areas. As envisioned by the policy makers for MGNREGP, in the Markabbinahalli Gram Panchayat, more works were taken up related to natural resource conservation. Hence to make MGNREGP more effective policy makers need to make MGNREGP implementation still better and a better MGNREGP implementation can have better multiplier effect on village economy as well as can check migration of rural workers. ADVISORY COMMITTEE Major Advisor: Mr. P.S. Srikantha Murthy Advisory committee Members Dr. K.B. Umesh Dr. H. Chandrashekar Dr. T.N. Prakash Kammardi Dr. G. M. Gaddi