World Wide Data Day Ken Cecire University of Notre Dame QuarkNet
IMC-SG, 13th IPPOG Meeting, Lisbon Reminder: What It Is Concept “24-hour shift” for simple measurement Inspired by International Cosmic Day What we did Very similar ATLAS and CMS measurements Students measure theta and phi for dimuon events, make 20-deg. bins, plot histograms. Base at schools; reduce burden to IMC tutors. Existing legacy online data sets Pilot year, about 20 groups 20.04.17 IMC-SG, 13th IPPOG Meeting, Lisbon
IMC-SG, 13th IPPOG Meeting, Lisbon Organization Web Results: Google spreadsheet Sample screencast 20.04.17 IMC-SG, 13th IPPOG Meeting, Lisbon
IMC-SG, 13th IPPOG Meeting, Lisbon Organization Videoconferences Set out to have “shifts” at four labs; geo location became unimportant. IPPOG members recruited teachers. Special thanks to Pedro Abreu 20.04.17 IMC-SG, 13th IPPOG Meeting, Lisbon
IMC-SG, 13th IPPOG Meeting, Lisbon Results Student combination plots 20.04.17 IMC-SG, 13th IPPOG Meeting, Lisbon
IMC-SG, 13th IPPOG Meeting, Lisbon Results Informal online survey of teachers 14 teachers responded 20.04.17 IMC-SG, 13th IPPOG Meeting, Lisbon
IMC-SG, 13th IPPOG Meeting, Lisbon Results Informal online survey of teachers Comments by teachers It was nice for the students to have a deeper understanding of theta and eta in regards to the particle collisions. It definitely opened their eyes to new trends in the data. I think it was a valuable experience for all our students. The interest in particle physics really increased. W2D2 and masterclass are similar activities for us. Because of our busy schedule I will do only one of them. Great starter for longer MC 20.04.17 IMC-SG, 13th IPPOG Meeting, Lisbon
Where to go from here and… Questions? Comments? Do we scale up and make this “a thing”? Or do we call it a good experience and keep the materials for other use? 20.04.2017 IMC-SG, 13th IPPOG Meeting, Lisbon
IMC-SG, 13th IPPOG Meeting, Lisbon Many thanks! Great, thoughtful moderators Teachers worldwide; it was a real partnership. IPPOG and IMC Steering Group QuarkNet 20.04.2017 IMC-SG, 13th IPPOG Meeting, Lisbon