Event Filter and Trigger Menu L=1031


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Presentation transcript:

Event Filter and Trigger Menu L=1031 Sergio Grancagnolo on behalf of the Muon Trigger software group

TrigMoore LVL1 LVL2 (muFast) LVL2 ID Two different running modes: Seeded Reconstruction performed only in the geometrical regions provided by the RoIs of previous levels. Full scan Full reconstruction, ~equivalent to the offline working mode LVL1 LVL2 (muFast) LVL2 ID Seeding Algorithms assume the seed is from LVL2 or a LVL1 ROI Full functionality in barrel and end-caps 3 istances of TrigMoore called by the steering, for reconstruction in the MS, extrapolation to the IP and combination with ID tracks TrigMoore attaches to the TE a "TrigMooreFeature" for each ROI, accessed by TrigMooreHypo for pT test TrigMoore records in SG the TrigMooreFeature per each ROI and all reconstructed tracks in the event in a single container for conversion in Trk:Track format and subsequent output in ESD and AOD LVL2 (muComb) Seeding Algs Moore Algs Hypo Alg TrigMoore contains dedicated algorithms for the seeded reconstruction (finds f and RZ segments for the seeding) drives the offline algorithms in Moore and MUID linking them to the HLT steering Hypothesis algorithms can check the reconstructed object at each step. TrigMoore MuIdStandAlone Algs Hypo Alg MuIdCombined Algs Hypo Alg Offline ID

MuonEF in Rel 13.0.10 Migration to new HLT Steering (DONE) Both FEX and Hypothesis algorithms Migration to Configurables (DONE) TrigMoore configurables py classes available in 3 flavours (MuonSpectrometer, Extrapolated and Combined Tracks) New style EF muon sequences (including ID) added in TrigHypothesis/TrigMuonHypo Migration to new EDM (DONE) TrigMoore uses the standard reconstruction input object (PrepRawData). The Moore offline algorithm organization has been adopted also by TrigMoore Use of EF version of ID for combined MS-ID tracks (DONE) MuidCombined adapted to get as input EF-ID tracks. Replacement of the previous implementation in wich EF ID and offline ID (New Tracking or iPatRec) was used.

MuonEF in Rel 13.0.10 Implementation of REGTESTs for Monitoring and Validation (DONE) Monitoring Histo in Hypo Algo (DONE) Definition of jobOptions to include Muon EF in ATN test (DONE) Bug Fix- Fix for duplicated python modules in genConf (DONE- to be collected right after 13.0.10) Bug Fix- Problem in Persistification (appeared in 13.0.X nightly) Fixed in 13.0.10

Muon Slice Validation

Sample and releases Single mu sample centrally simulated Private AA NTuple production by Napoli group using grid tools (GANGA) Release 12.0.6, seeding by LVL2 No hypothesis algorithms, no EF cuts Used for both LVL1 and EF studies Single m pT (GeV) 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 6 7 106 events 1.2 1.4 1.3 0.78 0.5 0.67 0.55 0.21 tot ~8 x 106 events in the range 2-7 GeV Note that only few single muon events, with pT=3÷5 GeV, pass the LVL1/LVL2 mu6 threshold and no one is reconstructed by the EF. Even a 107 sample of low pT events is not allowing to extimate the EF efficiency with great precision below the 6 GeV threshold.

Efficiency curves barrel (I) EF (MuId CB) efficiency w.r.t. LVL2 (muComb) 3 5 3 5 pT (GeV) pT (GeV) pT thresholds: “4 GeV” 5 GeV

Efficiency curves barrel (II) EF (MuId CB) efficiency w.r.t. LVL2 (muComb) MuId Combined efficiency curves w.r.t. LVL2 for pT thresholds: 6 GeV 8 GeV 20 GeV 40 GeV pT (GeV)

Low pT thresholds single muon rates Luminosity: L = 1031cm-2s-1 “4 GeV” 1031cm-2s-1 Barrel (Hz) Endcap p/K 133 80 beauty 19 21 charm 11 12 top 6∙10-4 8∙10-4 W 0.03 0.04 TOTAL 163 113 5 GeV 1031cm-2s-1 Barrel (Hz) Endcap p/K 44 30 beauty 11 13 charm 6 7 top 5∙10-4 7∙10-4 W 0.03 0.04 TOTAL 61 49

Other EF Trigger rates 6 GeV 1033cm-2s-1 Barrel (Hz) Endcap beauty 641 845 charm 327 426 top 0.05 0.07 W 2.9 4.0 p/K 1918 1462 TOTAL 2889 2737 8 GeV 1033cm-2s-1 Barrel (Hz) Endcap beauty 172 291 charm 77 134 top 0.06 0.05 W 2.8 3.9 p/K 281 313 TOTAL 533 742 20 GeV 1034cm-2s-1 Barrel (Hz) Endcap beauty 73 118 charm 28 46 top 0.27 0.32 W 22.3 32.6 p/K 50 48 TOTAL 173 244 40 GeV 1034cm-2s-1 Barrel (Hz) Endcap beauty 2.5 4.5 charm 0.87 1.6 top 0.07 W 3.9 7.1 p/K 0.2 0.3 TOTAL 7.5 13.6

Muon HLT Data Quality

Muon Slice Data Quality (I) Preliminary considerations on DQ monitoring and assessment for the muon slice presented at TDAQ Data Quality Wshop in Zeuthen (February 28-March 1 2007), focusing on LVL2 and EF, in online/offline e.g. for EF online monitoring: hit #/track per tecnology; geometrical track parameters; pt spectrum; track quality (2); residual distributions; matching with ID; combined tracks/moore tracks; ratio of positive/negative tracks; matched hits/total hits in the seed region; Monitoring activities are going to be organized for LVL1/2/3 in the appropriate environments, to use general tools and DQ Monitoring framework, to move the first steps towards muon trigger slice DQ Nothing exists for the moment for Muon Slice DQA but what implemented for monitoring during 2004 test beam (A. Di Mattia for LVL2) and the test of the trigger slices on the pre-series machines at Point 1 in december 2006 (D. Scannicchio for EF) can be a starting point for Data Quality Monitoring

Muon Slice Data Quality (II) e.g. TrigMoore histos from the last technical run Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigMoore/src/TrigMooreHisto.cxx (here obtained running the jobOptions prepared for the on-line with a bytestream file containing 50 top events as input: muons are selected by the LVL2 and the EF muon algorithms) completed in release 13 for TrigMoore Hypothesis algos

Proposal for L = 1031 cm-2s-1 L1 trig. item Rate LVL2 EF MU4 ~1 kHz μComb TrigMoore TrigDiMuon DiMuon PS/PT 1 Hz PT MU6 227 Hz 80.8 Hz 56.3 Hz InDet only μFast only 99.7 Hz MU10 112 Hz ~10 Hz

Proposal for L = 1031 cm-2s-1 L1 trig. item Rate LVL2 EF MU15 19 Hz μComb TrigMoore ~2 Hz InDet only PT μFast only PS/PT 1 Hz MU20 14 Hz MU40 8 Hz 2MU4 ~9 Hz ??? 2MU6 4 Hz 2MU10 ~1 Hz 2MU20 < 1 Hz 2MU40 Express streams

Trigger efficiency from Z → μ+μ- Double Object with orthogonal Signature (DOS) method Double Object (DO) method Backgrounds from BBμμX, Wμv, Zττ Different reconstruction modes 1-2 % statistical uncertainty with few pb-1 data Differential (η,φ) trigger efficiency determination CSC AOD analysis is going to be finalized

Muons from p/K

Strategy extract from minimum bias and dijets of various energy a global pT vs h distribution for pions and kaons, re-weighting to a common value of the integrated luminosity Use the particle-generator to generate single pions according to te previous distribution simulate the decay of pions with G4 saving only events were the pion decay before the muon spectrometer study a procedure to identify and reject this kind of muons

Event Sample Particle selection requiring: p PDG code |h|<2.7 File Name Events Cross Section (mb) minimum bias csc11.005001.pythia_minbias.evgen.EVNT.v11004202._xxxxx 124200 92E00 J1 csc11.005010.J1_pythia_jetjet.evgen.EVNT.v11004201._xxxxx 242287 1.376E00 J2 csc11.005011.J2_pythia_jetjet.evgen.EVNT.v11004201._xxxxx 257508 9.327E-02 J3 csc11.005012.J3_pythia_jetjet.evgen.EVNT.v11004201._xxxxx 30299 5.884E-03 J4 csc11.005013.J4_pythia_jetjet.evgen.EVNT.v11000401._xxxxx 40400 3.084E-04 J5 csc11.005014.J5_pythia_jetjet.evgen.EVNT.v11000401._xxxxx 5050 1.247E-05 J6 csc11.005015.J6_pythia_jetjet.evgen.EVNT.v11000401._xxxxx 50000 3.604E-07 J7 csc11.005016.J7_pythia_jetjet.evgen.EVNT.v11004201._xxxxx 5.707E-09 J8 csc11.005017.J8_pythia_jetjet.evgen.EVNT.v11004201._xxxxx 10100 2.444E-11 Particle selection requiring: p PDG code |h|<2.7 pT>500MeV generation at the interaction point (0.,0.,0.) and filling a two-dimensional histogram of pT vs h, one entry for each pion.

pT vs h distributions Some existing correlation between pT and h requires a generation according to the 2-D distribution The solution that I adopted is to slice the 2-D histograms in pT bins and simulate using the 1-D projections in pT and h Minimum bias Supposing an efficiency e=10-4 between 2.5 GeV and 7.5 GeV, and a granularity of 500 MeV, to extimate an error of s(e)10%  106 events needed in each bin Dijets J8 If only ~1% of the pions decays in the volume before the calorimeter at least 109 events should be generated A tool was developed to force all the generated pions to decay: the PionDecayer

Produced sample TOTAL: 25.800 files 1.065.000 events ~1.7Tb no available tools to randomly extract from a 2D distribution solution: slice the 2D distribution in pt bins (of ~same content) and generate according to the 1D distributions of pT and Eta misal1_mc12.007160.singlePion_pTSlice_0_of_30.digit.v12000502 2000 100000 misal1_mc12.007161.singlePion_pTSlice_1_of_30.digit.v12000502 2000 100000 misal1_mc12.007162.singlePion_pTSlice_2_of_30.digit.v12000502 1600 80000 … misal1_mc12.007189.singlePion_pTSlice_29_of_30.digit.v12000502 100 5000 misal1_mc12.007190.singlePion_pTSlice_30_of_30.digit.v12000502 100 5000 TOTAL: 25.800 files 1.065.000 events ~1.7Tb Since, for a given pion direction, the decay is forced into a definite path length L, the single event probability is

use of grid infrastructures absolutely necessary ! Since full statistics has become available all efforts have been directed to apply the muon slice and the standard ntuple analysis to the single pi sample with some addition specific to the pi->mu case keep track of the muon mother and its decay vertex keep track of the links between a combined reconstructed muon and its ID and MS seeds, etc...). first attempt: copy from USA grid to castor, submit jobs to lxplus queues for running the specific reconstruction + analysis code turned out to be unaffordable mostly due to castor access too slow and unstable use of grid infrastructures absolutely necessary ! - the solution: use LCG-grid o come si chiama, after moving the files to Napoli tier-2 - affordable but still very time consuming; - copy from castor to NA tier-2 took 4/5 ?? days - reconstruction jobs submitted (just half?? sample processed yet)...

Problems Many problems encountered to complete the analysis chain: Last simulation job finished ~ half april Copy output to castor from US grid ~1 week Many attempts to run the muon trigger slice Run athena jobs directly on castor  failed Copy from castor to local nfslocal disk failed Replicate from castor to european gridongoing


LVL1/2 Mu6 30 500 3.6k 352k EF mu6 88%