LHC startup exhibition mobile Making the LHC startup exhibition mobile Thomas Zoufal, EPPOG meeting Milano
LHC exhibition “Weltmaschine” From 14 October to 16 November in Berlin Key element of the 2008 LHC campaign in Germany More than 31.000 visitors Many questions for follow-ups
(German Executive LHC Outreach Group) Organisation GELOG (German Executive LHC Outreach Group) DESY PR Scholz & Friends get the specialists together: physics, communication, advertising very effective team work high class material in content and optics
WELTMASCHINE LHC Exhibition Berlin
new subway station in Berlin between Chancellery, Reichstag + Main station: authentic tunnel feeling ! huge LHC photos exhibits : original parts hands-on animations physicists !
Huge Photos of Peter Ginter on the platform PRESHOW Welcome desk Big Bang animation
MAIN SHOW Standard Model What do we Know today? Methods Scattering exp. Make the invisible visible MAIN SHOW Phenomena Spark Chamber Cloud Chamber Introduction Greeting of minister
1. Big Question What is the Universe made of? SUSY Challenge LHC CERN Accelerator Supercond. magnets Detection of particles CERN
2. Big Question What is the origin of mass? Higgs mech. ATLAS Detector model
Play area Linear accelerator Building blocks CP swing Event area Public lectures Particle physics show Vacuum experiments Live radio show
LHCb Detector model 3. Big Question Where has the antimatter gone? CMS Detector model
ALICE Detector model 4. Big Question What happened at the Big Bang?
Spin-offs, tech. transfer www and Grid Acc. and det. use elsewhere
POST SHOW: The People Portraits of CERN people World laboratory CERN Talent factory CERN German role Cinema (Videos, LHC rap) Information material and souvenirs
Exhibits: Components, Models, Hands-on plasma sphere CMS model 1:50 CMS lead-tungstate crystal
original components of Exhibits ATLAS TRD original components of LHC experiments CMS Si Petal LHCb Vertex Locator ATLAS MDT Monitored Drift Tubes
Hands-on Exhibits Matter-Antimatter asymmetry of the Universe 1 extra grain: our Universe ! Matter-Antimatter asymmetry of the Universe sand model coupled double swings: large to sit on table-top to fine-adjust cannot be simple enough ! Antimatter: grains of black sand Matter: grains of white sand CP swing CP swing
Hands-on Exhibits accelerator models Higgs analog salad bowl: electrostatic circular mechanical linear Higgs analog rotate wings in viscous liquid objects feel inertia in non-trivial medium windows: feel excitation of Higgs field Higgs analog salad bowl accelerator The building blocks linear accelerator model
Highlights “living exhibits” People loved to talk to real physicists!!! Really!! Tours for everyone with answers to every single question Special events Particle physics show public lectures experiments for children
Resonance 31.000 visitors almost 100 school classes >100 teachers in education special tours for politicians + media well covered by TV, press + radio Guest book: P.Jenni, ATLAS spokesperson: by far the best I ever saw on LHC Physics can be so beautiful ! Makes me understand the incredible. Super - a didactic masterpiece. The engagement of the young scientists is great. Crazy – please make it permanent !!! We made it mobile!
Weltmaschine - the mobile exhibition Idea Let “Weltmaschine” travel through Germany Probable Locations Universities Public places Political places (Houses of Parliament) Schools, … Several sizes (XS – XL)– several contents – several audiences Modular concept
LHC Exhibition “Weltmaschine” Concept Content Berlin Preshow „Big Bang animation“ Greeting of minister Schavan, Introdution to the exhibition Phenomena of particle physics Methods of particle physics Standard model of particle physics CERN Challenge LHC What is the universe made of? ATLAS What is the origin of mass? CMS Where has the antimatter gone? LHCb What happened at the Big Bang? ALICE WWW and Grid Technology transfer World wide collaboration Talent factory CERN Postshow
Concept mobile exhibition Rollup Displays ideal for modular use easy to mount (even alone) easy transport relatively cheap illumination possible modular + flexible: select from Rollup displays Exhibits (some not available) Animations 70 Rollups in 17 modules (1-10 Rollups per module) Modules like in Berlin More or less personnel Special introductory rollup for the location
Concept mobile exhibition DESY: Organisation, scheduling Support in dimension and content Support in mounting and installation Maintenance and repair costs Host: Transport (organisation and cost) Location Personnel Advertising
Tour plan 1. gig: Hamburg Harbour birthday (XXXS version) Next: Open day Hamburg university June Dresden June, Zeuthen/Berlin July, … Düsseldorf, Heidelberg, GSI Darmstadt, Karlsruhe, … (1. requests for 2011) Learning from first locations Doubling most wanted material (Rollups and exhibits)