“Dear Benedict and Rimini...” The letters “Dear Benedict and Rimini...”
Framing device “The term framing device refers to the usage of the same single action, scene, event, setting, or any element of significance at both the beginning and end of an artistic, musical, or literary work. The repeated element thus creates a ‘frame’ within which the main body of work can develop.” – Wikipedia Often used to provide context and closure
What important facts do the letters reveal about the family?
Themes in the letters Maori and pakeha (277- 279, 281) War (278- 280) Family (1st letter and 280-282) Dreams (1st letter and 282)
Task Come up with a statement about what the letters say about these themes. E.g. ‘That Patricia Grace wants to make the reader think...’ Choose two quotes from the letters that reveal or develop this idea. Explain how this is different or similar to how this theme is developed in the rest of the text. Is there any link to the idea of freedom with this theme? How? How is the resolution of the final letter more satisfying than the end of the journal? Why do you think Grace chose to use the letters as a framing device?