Journey planning Tips and guidance on planning a safe journey UNHCR Safe Road Use Campaign
OBJECTIVES OF THIS ACTIVITY There are many good reasons to plan your journey in advance This Safe Road Use Activity – Event in the Box, is designed to provide you with an understanding of Journey planning as a way to support staff safety and security during road travel 5 top tips for planning safe journeys How to prepare a safe road trip using a journey planner
JOURNEY PLANNING AND UNCHR Journey planning is treated by Field Security Services (FSS) through UNHCR road travel measures and materials and by Global Fleet Management (GFM) training on journey management. This Safe Road Use Activity aims to complement these existing materials by focusing more specifically on the prevention of road crashes. Journey Management training as part of Fleet Management Global Fleet management (GFM) UNHCR road travel measures and materials Field Security Services (FSS)
WHY PLAN A SAFE JOURNEY? International incident analysis shows that travel by road has much higher risk than other modes of transport. Safe Journey planning is about taking the time to think through and plan your journey so that you have the best possible chances of avoiding road safety risks and hazards along the way – and arriving safely at your destination Source:
TOP TIPS TOWARDS A SAFER JOURNEY Consider each element of your journey before you depart Define your route Check the vehicle (for drivers) Plan your rest periods and locations Think about the timing of your journey and how busy roads will be Identify black spots/route hazardous spots and high risk locations Check the road and weather conditions Personal welfare – bring what you need to sustain yourself during the journey. Time your journey and allow extra time to account for unexpected delays
TOP TIPS TOWARDS A SAFER JOURNEY Avoid fatigue Fatigue is a major contributing factor in road traffic crashes. To prevent fatigue try avoiding: Driving between 2am and 6am Driving long distances between 2pm and 4pm (especially if you have eaten) Driving after having less sleep than normal Taking medicines that cause drowsiness Driving after long working hours, especially night shifts Take a rest and stretch your legs for 15 min after every two hours of driving if security permits Plan an overnight stay As a passenger, make sure the driver has had enough sleep and takes breaks
TOP TIPS TOWARDS A SAFER JOURNEY Watch your speed Sometimes conflicts in schedules put drivers under pressure to speed. Speed is another primary contributory factor to road crashes. We can help by taking a few simple steps such as planning trips to Allow sufficient time Remember the speed limit is the MAXIMUM recommended speed Keep your distance from the vehicle ahead of you Maintain a consistent speed Note to facilitator Allow sufficient time to reach your destination, considering weather, traffic conditions and speed limits Remember the speed limit is the MAXIMUM recommended speed, if road or weather conditions are poor, or there are many other road users on the road including pedestrians and cyclists, reduce your speed further Keep your distance from the vehicle ahead of you on the road and maintain a consistent speed, avoiding the need for harsh acceleration and braking. This will also save fuel.
TOP TIPS TOWARDS A SAFER JOURNEY Avoid driving in poor weather Plan your trip to avoid driving in adverse weather conditions, fog, very high winds, ice, snow flooding Make sure you are aware of the UNHCR road travel measures and materials and consider what emergency equipment should be carried in the vehicle in case the driver gets stranded.
TOP TIPS TOWARDS A SAFER JOURNEY Promote safe driving The field office can develop policies, advice and training for line managers and drivers on issues including: B E R O A D Buckle Up Eyes & Ears Rest Offline Abstain Distance S A F E Speed limit Aware Forward Plan Evident
SIMPLE STEPS WE CAN TAKE TO PLAN A SAFE JOURNEY See Ideas for your Activity in the Event in a Box Guide
YOUR RESPONSIBILITIES Safe road use is an individual responsibility. By each taking simple actions on the road, together we can all make a difference. So we are asking you to… BE ROAD SAFE