DTTaS Data Strategy
Current Status in DTTaS Year Action Detail 2003/2004 CSO SPAR Report ‘Scarcity of data available for use within the Department’. Divisions stated that data was difficult to access, incomplete, out of date, ad-hoc or too limited in scope’. Number of Recommendations. 2009 NSB Strategy Transport identified as an area with critical data gaps. Some areas of improvement highlighted such as census and pilot national travel survey. 2009 DTTaS Strategy 2009-2011 Full evaluation of data availability with gaps identified. Led to a number of positive developments such as transport liaison group and National Travel Survey. 2015-16 Open Data and Performance Measurement Upcoming demands on the Department from DPER and CSO. We will likely be required to consider these two major areas.
DTTaS Data Strategy Process Data management Data use Data availability and quality Data Overview, Principles and 6-12 Action Points Primary action will be process of EFEU working with each sector individually. Data Strategy
DTTaS Data Strategy Process Consultation Development Implementation Step 1 Internal Consultation with Divisions and External Consultation with CSO and Agencies. Draft Consultation Paper. Step 2 Develop Strategy Based on Known Issues and Constraints as well as consultation. Presentation of High Level Issues and Actions. Step 3 Circulate Draft Strategy to Divisions for Comment and Observation. Take this Feedback into Account. Step 4 EFEU to Oversee Implementation of Strategy
Data Gaps – Availability and quality Divisions generally positive around data availability. Unknown unknowns? Possible that more detailed review would reveal gaps Availability Much data used within Dept not clearly audited Specific questions around robustness of e.g., road safety stats Comparability between different sources (IAA and CSO flights data) General quality Generally identified gap Performance measurement
Data Gaps – Data management Data exists in number of different places – no centralised approach to data management Staff don’t necessarily know all of data that exists Coordination and sharing of best practice IT strategy needs to be aligned with data needs. Examples where it isn’t (e.g. CAF data book) IT Generally, more timeliness useful (but resource-intensive) In some areas (public transport, aviation), particularly highlights Timeliness
Forecasting and research Data Gaps – Data use Gap in production of (consistent, reliable) forecasts. Many areas in transport (and tourism, sport?) in which more research would be valuable. Forecasting and research Considerable amount of data in the Department – value in more publicising of interesting/useful data. Tourism, maritime safety, NVDF, maybe others (Sport)? Publications No dedicated statistical capability in Dept. Relates to data management and data use gaps. QA of use of and inference of statistics Capability
Potential Actions More detailed data reviews by sector Improve cross-organisational cooperation Target increased capacity Support National Travel Survey and increase use of it Improve level of data audit through existing processes Create internal point-of-contact for data queries Target improved management processes and systems Develop internal data hub Consider increased number of publications Target improvements in research, evaluation, modelling and appraisal Develop quality assurance process for stats used in publications Improve performance measurement General Availability / quality Management Use