Module 11 Developing Strategies for Test Taking
Questions on Objective Tests A test consisting of factual questions requiring extremely short answers that can be quickly and unambiguously scored by anyone with an answer key True-False Multiple Choice Matching Objective questions are also called recognition questions.
Performing Well on Objective Tests Use a five-day study plan to prepare for the test. Review study tools for factual information. Rework steps or problems for procedural information. Create and study from summary notes. Participate in review sessions or study groups. Predict test questions; write and answer practice test questions.
Symptoms of Test Anxiety Go "blank" and are unable to recall the needed information. Make excessive careless mistakes in selection or marking the correct answer. Abandon your regular test-taking strategies; stop answering questions in an organized, logical way. Mind shifts away from the test; concentration on the test fades. Eyes start jumping from line to line of print or skip over words in the reading process. Experience physical, emotional, cognitive, and behavioral symptoms of anxiety.
Four Levels of Response on Test Questions Immediate response Delayed response Assisted response Educated guessing
Effective Test-Taking Strategies to Begin the Test Strive to focus your mind on the test and prepare yourself mentally for the challenge. Use familiar relaxation or visualization strategies to calm your nerves and being with a positive state of mind. Listen carefully to directions.
Essential Strategies for Taking Objective Tests As soon as you receive the test, jot down important information that you do not want to forget. Survey the test. Budget your time. Decide on a starting point. Read all the directions carefully. Use your test time wisely. Do not leave answers blank if you start to run out of time. Use the four levels of response to answer questions.
True-False Questions
Key Elements in True-False Questions Negatives in the form of words or prefixes Modifiers in the form of 100 percent modifiers or in- between modifiers. Definition clues signaling that the definition of a term is being tested. Relationship clues signaling that the relationship between two items is being tested.
Pay Attention to Key Elements in True- False Questions
Multiple-Choice Questions
Multiple-Choice Strategies Read the directions carefully. Choose the best answer. Read all the options before you select your answer. Write your letter answer on the line.
Steps for Answering Multiple Choice Questions Read the stem. Finish the statement in your mind. Check to see if the answer is one of the options. Read the stem with each option as a true-false statement. Eliminate the distractors. Select from the remaining options.
Answering Matching Questions Matching questions use paired associations. Your goal on a matching test is to match the paired associations such as: Words to definitions People to what they did Dates to events Terms and their function or purpose Problems and their solutions
Steps for Working Through Matching Questions Read the directions carefully. Count the number of items in each list to see if the lists are equal. Begin by reading the column that has the shorter entries. Use the four levels of response to match the columns.
Important Points About Educated Guessing When you use educated guessing, your must focus on the significance of individual words and details. Educated guessing is more than random guessing as you use some background information, logic, and common sense to approach questions. Educated guessing is not foolproof. It does not always work.
Important Points About Educated Guessing (Cont) Do not become overly confident because you know educated guessing strategies. Limit the use of educated guessing strategies to situation in which nothing else has produced an answer. It is a last resort effort.
Educated Guessing Strategies - True- False Questions
Educated Guessing Strategies - Multiple Choice Questions
Essential Strategies for Taking Computerized Tests Create a positive learning goal and intention to do well on this test. Understand the computer and the testing software commands. Use the multiple-choice strategies. Do not answer too quickly. If you receive feedback that you selected an incorrect answer, do not immediately move to the next question.
Essential Strategies for Taking Computerized Tests (Cont) Stop and use a short relaxation technique if you find yourself tensing up, feeling discouraged, or getting irritated. Use concentration strategies to keep a focused mind and deal with distractors. Before you leave the test, jot down any questions that concerned or confused you. Discuss your computer test-taking skills with the lab assistant or your instructor.