Shot Heard ‘round the World
Minutemen Volunteer members of Mass.militia who kept their muskets at hand and were prepared to fight at a moment’s notice
General Thomas Gage
General Thomas Gage British commander Scouted out towns near Boston looking for arms Found arms in Concord 18 miles from Boston
April 18, 1775 700 British troops quietly leave Boston to seize the colonial arms. Who do you think was watching?
Paul Revere’s Famous Ride Two lamps hung by Old North Church
Paul Revere, William Dawes, and Dr Paul Revere, William Dawes, and Dr. Samuel Prescott set off to warn the minutemen and Sons of Liberty members that the British “regulars” were coming.
Who did he have to warn? I’ll give you hints: One was my favorite member of the Sons of Liberty The other had a really big signature… Did you guess?
If you guessed Sam Adams and John Hancock…… You were correct!!! Give yourself a Pat on the back!!
On way to Concord… The three men get arrested by the British… eventually they get released but without their horses.
In Lexington…. British tell Militia Captain John Parker and the 70 minutemen gathered to go home….. Outnumbered they begin to go home…. SUDDENLY……….
You were just witness to the shot heard ‘round the world! April 19, 1775..Shot heard round the World…No one knows who fired it but….
In the struggle that followed….8 colonists lay dead
British Move on to Concord They meet 300 minutemen on a bridge outside of Concord. British retreat but get ambushed. 73 British men killed, 200 wounded or missing.