AP World history Test Prep Strategies.


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Presentation transcript:

AP World history Test Prep Strategies

FORMAT Section 1 Section 2 TOTAL TIME 3 hours 15 minutes Part A: Multiple-Choice Test (55 questions) 55 minutes Part B: Short Answer (4 Questions) 50 minutes Section 2 Part A: Document-Based Question (1 Question) 55 minutes Part B: Long Essay (1 Question Chosen From Pair) 35 minutes TOTAL TIME 3 hours 15 minutes

SCORING TEST SECTION PERCENTAGE of OVERALL SCORE Multiple Choice 40% Short Answer 20% DBQ 25% Long Essay 15%

PERIOD WEIGHTS PERIODS PERIOD WEIGHT 1 Technological & Environmental Transformations (Ancient History) to c. 600 B.C.E. 5% 2 Organization & Reorganization of Human Societies (Classical Era) c. 600 B.C.E. to c. 600 C.E. 15% 3 Regional & Transregional Interactions (Postclassical Era) c.600 C.E. to c.1450 C.E. 20% 4 Global Interactions (Early Modern) c. 1450 C.E. to c. 1750 C.E. 5 Industrialization & Global Integration (Industrial & Revolutionary Era) c.1750 to c. 1900 C.E. 6 Accelerating Global Change & Realignments c. 1900 to Present

Day of the exam Get a good night’s SLEEP the night before EAT a nutritious breakfast Wear loose, layered, COMFORTABLE clothing Arrive EARLY to the test site

Multiple-choice (40% 55 min) Primary & Secondary Sources, Historical Issues, Charts, Graphs, Maps, etc. Read/examine the sources & questions CAREFULLY Watch out for EXCEPT and WHICH IS NOT TRUE questions. Try to see if you can ANSWER it without seeing the options Look for the BEST answer if there is no “all of the above” option MARK UP Qs you can’t answer quickly, SKIP, and go back Answer EVERY question and if you don’t know, GUESS Use the process of ELIMINATION Eliminate answers that are absolutely incorrect Treat each answer as a T or F question Be wary of negative answers (never, none, not, etc.) Be wary of superlatives (all, more, always, only, etc.) Question answers that are totally unfamiliar to you Trust your INTUITION Use COMMON SENSE and CONTEXT CLUES

Short-answer questions (20% 50 min) 50 Minutes Total Up to 1 Page for Each Question – Quality vs. Quantity Primary Source, Historical Argument, Data & Maps Multiple Components – Must Address All aspects of the questions Thesis Development & Support Not Required

DBQ Essay (25% 55 min) 7 Points Total THESIS & ARGUMENT DEVELOPMENT (2 Points) Thesis responds to all parts of the question (1 point) Develops/supports a cohesive argument that address historical complexities and relationships amongst evidence (1 point) DOCUMENT ANALYSIS (2 Points) Uses at least 6 of the documents (usually 7 docs) to support the thesis/argument (1 point) Explains the significance of the author’s point of view, purpose, audience, and/or historical context for at least 4 documents (1 point) OUTSIDE EVIDENCE (2 Points) Ccntextualization – gives historical context (events, development, processes) of the time period that is thoroughly explained, not just mentioned (1 point) Outside Evidence – gives examples or other evidence that is not found in the documents given and explains it thoroughly. Must not be evidence used to earn points in other parts of the rubric. (1 point) SYNTHESIS (1 Point) – make connections with ONE of the following Development of a historical period, era, or geographical area different from the one in question Theme (political, economic, cultural, social, environment) that is not the focus of the essay Different discipline or field (anthropology, psychology, art history, science, economics, etc.)

Long essay (15% 35 min) 6 Points Total – given 2 essays to choose 1 from THESIS (1 Point) Thesis responds to all parts of the question (1 point) HISTORICAL THINKING SKILL (2 Points) Comparison – Describes similarities AND differences and explains the reason for them (1 point) Evaluates the significance of historical figures, developments, processes & events (1 point) Causation – Describes causes and/or effects of a historical event, development, or process (1 point) Explains the reasons for the causes and/or effects (1 point) Continuity/Change over Time – Describes continuity AND change over time (1 point) Explains the reasons for the continuity AND change over time (1 point) Periodization – How development is similar AND different to developments preceding AND following (1) Explains the extent to which development is similar/different (1 point) EVIDENCE Addresses the prompt using specific examples and a wide range of evidence (1 point) Uses specific examples & evidence to thoroughly and effectively support/justify the thesis (1 point) SYNTHESIS (1 Point) – make connections with ONE of the following Development of a historical period, era, or geographical area different from the one in question Theme (political, economic, cultural, social, environment) that is not the focus of the essay Different discipline or field (anthropology, psychology, art history, science, economics, etc.)

General Timed Essay tips ANSWER the PROMPT QUESTION!!! Read the PROMPT CAREFULLY Look at the prompt’s key words & verbs and UNDERLINE them. Answer the prompt Write in PRINT and write with PENCIL BRAINSTORM responses to the prompt Write the INTRODUCTION & THESIS Skip the hook Develop a clear and detailed thesis Write an OUTLINE of your TOPIC SENTENCES for the body paragraphs Start each paragraph with a clear topic sentence Double-check and include commonly missed rubric requirements Write CLEAR & WELL-DEVELOPED body paragraphs Aim for 3 strong body paragraphs Write a CONCLUSION & REREAD the essay ONLY if you have time

General TIMED ESSAY TIPS Write simple sentences Use elevated diction (fancy “big” words) Write clearly & neatly Define your key terms (assume the reader does not know) Use proper transitions (chronology, compare & contrast, etc.) Stay focused and use your outline Include one “big picture (general theme/trend/events of the time period)” in each paragraph Support your statement with examples/evidence Fill up the essay form Give historical context (what’s going on in history at that time)

General tips for writing a thesis / Topic sentences Restate the question Pay attention to key words or verbs Be aware of the bigger picture Be balanced Give some hint about what the rest of your essay will be about TOPIC SENTENCES Prove your thesis Give some hint about what the rest of your paragraph will be about Use clear transitions to & from paragraphs Vary sentence structure to avoid sounding mechanical

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