What is the difference (if any) between motivation and manipulation? Warm-up #11 What is the difference (if any) between motivation and manipulation?
News and Notes Current Events Project Fixes May only fix 1 time Must be completed by Friday 4/21
Today’s Goal Look at how leaders in WWII motivate the public to support their causes and apply it to how people try to motivate/manipulate us. Begin to understand the rise of Fascist leaders in Italy and Germany Standards Addressed HS.2 Analyze the complexity and investigate causes and effects of significant events in world history. Common Core 9-10.RH.2: Determine the central ideas or information of a primary or secondary source; provide an accurate summary of how key events or ideas develop over the course of the text.
World War II WWI Leads to WWII
Propaganda Definition: The use of a variety of communication techniques that create an emotional appeal
IPod Commercial
Propaganda Strategies
Remember the Titans
Nazi Propaganda Workbook: PG. 4 Class docs: PG. 56 Document A: Read with Partner Answer the questions that follow Document B: Analyze with Partner Answer questions that follo0w Document C:
Crash Course: Motivation