Technology prompts This is a useful prompt to ensure that technology is covered and taught effectively towards the 40-60 month age band.
Develop a sense of curiosity by allowing children to explore broken cameras, keyboards, mobiles, magnify glass, micro scopes. This can all be used during role play and give real meaning to everyday technology. To extend the use of the classroom computer set weekly challenges to complete on a certain program. Create an interactive tick list so that children can manage their own learning. e.g. draw a picture of your family selecting different appropriate colours. Type a message to your friend. Expose the learner to everyday technology as much as possible through adult led activities e.g. cooking, typing, artwork. These will all be activities which they cannot necessarily access independently at home. Technology Completes a simple program on a computer. Uses ICT hardware to interact with age-appropriate computer software. Ensure that the setting is well equipped with a variety of technology which is available in all areas. For example:- Construction- wind up toys, pulleys, programmable /remote control toys Home corner- telephone, microwave, cooker. Small world- walkie talkies, magnifiers, telescope, cameras, metal detectors Writing- phones, key boards, Maths- calculators, phones, till Reading- cd player, headphones