Cabbage butterfly(pieris brassicae nepalensis) Prepared By Navaraj Upadhyaya IAAS Paklihawa, Rupandehi, Nepal
Introduction It is white colored butterfly. Feed generally on Brassicaceae family as its name is cabbage butterfly. They are Strong fliers. Metamorphosis is complete. Larvae posses a chemical defense based on sulphur compounds (isothiocyanate) which originate from host plant. Two important representatives are P. brassicae and P. rapae.
Scientific classification Kingdom:Animalia Phylum:Arthropoda Class:Insecta Order:Lepidoptera Family:Pieridae Genus:Pieris Species: brassicae
Life cycle
Egg Laid on lower surface of leaves in cluster Bright Yellow color Bottle shaped Ribbed vertically and laid upright Change to bright orange prior to hatching
larvae Immediately after hatching feed on eggshell Initially they form colonies and feed on leaves Young : yellow with shiny black head 1st molt Yellowish green with yellow lines Fully fed: Olive green with pronounced yellow dorsal line Black spots or squares in dorsal Body covered with fine hair bearing tubercles.
Pupa Pupation site: away from food plant, stem or in mud. Pupa is attached by a silk girdle. Body thick at middle and tapering at ends Dotted with black and yellow markings. Chrysalis: ridges and blunt spikes. Ventral surface flatten Final color matches substrate
Adult Adult are winged. Wings are white and contain black spots Male female are distinct from one another i.e. show sexual dimorphism. Female: Wings: white, both hind and fore wings spotted. Coastal region contain black tips.
Adult Male: Don't contain spot in forewings. Black area on apex and termen of forewing is broader, its inner margin less evenly curved Male Female
Nature of damage The mouth part of larve is biting and chewing type. The larval stage is damaging and feeds upon tender leaves and causes huge damage.
Control Mechanical exclusion from host and destruction. Use of net to trap adults. Use of FYM should not be done more than recommended dose. Better to use chemicals only if the population is above economic injury level.
Bio-control Use of Apanteles glomeratus (Parasitic wasp) can also help in control of larval population
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