Clinical NLP in North Germanic Languages Clinical NLP in Languages Other Than English S07 Sumithra Velupillai KTH, Sweden & King’s College, London Twitter: #AMIA2017
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Clinical NLP in North Germanic Languages This part of the panel will focus on: Swedish, Danish, Norwegian Past and ongoing projects Examples
HEALTH BANK –The Swedish Health Research Bank (Stockholm EPR Corpus) Karolinska University Hospital TakeCare Intelligence First ethical permission 2008, now on 7th First database 2006-2008, 4th to 2014 ~ 2 million patient records Now also in the process of being linked to primary care data Prof. Hercules Dalianis, Dept. Computer and Systems Sciences:
Health record content Randomized identification number, gender, age Documentation date stamps Blood, laboratory values, ICD-10 codes Drugs – ATC-codes Free-text Physician notes, nursing notes, radiology reports, etc.
Projects and Applications Automatic surveillance of healthcare-associated infections Detection and exploration of adverse drug events Diagnosis code assignment (ICD-10) Text mining in the cancer domain (Cervical cancer, pathology) Text simplification of clinical narratives Clinical entity recognition, semantic modifiers (negation, uncertainty, time expressions) Comorbidity analysis Publications:
Example modules Symptom and diagnosis Negation Uncertainty Time information 76-årig kvinna med hypertoni och angina pectoris. Trolig hjärtinfarkt 2 år sedan. Inkommer med centrala bröstsmärtor utan utstrålning. 76-year old woman with hypertension and angina pectoris. Possible heart attack 2 years ago. Admitted to hospital with central chest pain without radiation.
Example modules Symptom and diagnosis Negation Uncertainty Time information 76-årig kvinna med hypertoni och angina pectoris. Trolig hjärtinfarkt 2 år sedan. Inkommer med centrala bröstsmärtor utan utstrålning. 76-year old woman with hypertension and angina pectoris. Possible heart attack 2 years ago. Admitted to hospital with central chest pain without radiation.
Example modules Symptom and diagnosis Negation Uncertainty Time information 76-årig kvinna med hypertoni och angina pectoris. Trolig hjärtinfarkt 2 år sedan. Inkommer med centrala bröstsmärtor utan utstrålning. 76-year old woman with hypertension and angina pectoris. Possible heart attack 2 years ago. Admitted to hospital with central chest pain without radiation.
Example modules Symptom and diagnosis Negation Uncertainty Time information 76-årig kvinna med hypertoni och angina pectoris. Trolig hjärtinfarkt 2 år sedan. Inkommer med centrala bröstsmärtor utan utstrålning. 76-year old woman with hypertension and angina pectoris. Possible heart attack 2 years ago. Admitted to hospital with central chest pain without radiation.
Example modules Symptom and diagnosis Negation Uncertainty Time information 76-årig kvinna med hypertoni och angina pectoris. Trolig hjärtinfarkt 2 år sedan. Inkommer med centrala bröstsmärtor utan utstrålning. 76-year old woman with hypertension and angina pectoris. Possible heart attack 2 years ago. Admitted to hospital with central chest pain without radiation.
Example modules Symptom and diagnosis Negation Uncertainty Time information 76-årig kvinna med hypertoni och angina pectoris. Trolig hjärtinfarkt 2 år sedan. Inkommer med centrala bröstsmärtor utan utstrålning. 76-year old woman with hypertension and angina pectoris. Possible heart attack 2 years ago. Admitted to hospital with central chest pain without radiation.
Danish – Dictionary construction for ADE Danish summaries of product characteristics – undesirable effects Group-based lexicon 7 groups, e.g. independent event, location, preposition 4 groups for filtering, e.g. negation, temporal triggers Post-coordination rules Tested on Danish psychiatric records Eriksson R1, Jensen PB, Frankild S, Jensen LJ, Brunak S. Dictionary construction and identification of possible adverse drug events in Danish clinical narrative text. J Am Med Inform Assoc. 2013 Sep-Oct;20(5):947-53. doi: 10.1136/amiajnl-2013-001708. Epub 2013 May 23.
BigMed - Norway Lighthouse project funded by Norwegian Resource Council 2017-2020. Goal: novel big data solution that integrates patients’ records information, genomics data and lab data, as well as all scientific publications. Multidisciplinary team - ICT, biomedical, law and health economy researchers and industrial partners. Contact: Lilja Øvrelid:
BigMed - Norway
Opportunities and Challenges Resources in non-English languages Annotated corpora, lexicons, rule-based modules Aggregated data analysis and visualization (no PHI) Still limited formal resources (e.g. UMLS) Existing resources specific to dataset Language-specific challenges: compounds word order inflections
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