Social learning Theory Behaviourist Theory
Get into groups… Find other people who fit with either the classical or operant conditioning term that you have. Make sure you only have one your key terms in your team. Sit with them!
Behaviour is observed and then reinforced Starter: In groups brainstorm what you think the social learning theory might mean… Learn though social environment Also considers cognitive processes Mini whiteboards – which ones are similar to the behavioural approach. Mediating process between stimuli and response
What do you think this would have been used for? In groups come up with an experiment to suggest how this toy could support social learning theory. Need to include: Aim Method Result
Group work: Firstly allocate each member of your group one section of the worksheet (not including the evaluation). Once you have your section, write your answer on the post it note. Using these answers, complete the worksheet.
Key terms: There are several key terms associated with the social learning theory, walk around the room and work out which definition goes with your key terms in your booklet. Once you are done use the mediation processes to explain the participants in Bandura’s study.
Individual Task: On your own on a scrap piece of paper, identify the different mediation processes in the scenario’s, once you have done, pass them round the class.
Once you are done, check: Have you explained the key terms? Is your example specific to the study? Do the top and bottom bun link? Evaluation: In your groups work out what the burger of each of the points may be, allocate each person in your group one section. One weakness of the study is that the effects of social learning are… Another weakness of the approach is… An example of this is… An examples of this is, that most people would hit a __________ as it is designed for that purpose. Therefore, it is difficult to see if there are any long-term effects. Therefore, this affects the ________ of this experiment as…
To END… Chose one of the following scenarios and explain how social learning theory might be used. Including each of the 5 key concepts of SLT: - A campaign against binge eating - A campaign to get people doing more exercise - Encouraging less littering in school - An advert to buy an expensive perfume