Project Management Support for Additional Farm Mechanization Project, Government of AP implemented by Food and Agri Business School (FABS) & Acharya N.G.Ranga Agricultural University.
PROLOUGE GOAP has initiated Farm Service Centre Concept in the year 2011. Since then about 80 centers have been rolled out in A.P. These units to become viable in the long run, requires professional project management support. ANGRAU in association with FABS has taken up the project management support activity for these centers.
OBJECTIVES Providing Project management support to the “Additional Farm Mechanization Project” of AP and make them sustainable business ventures. Also create capacity among the players namely department officials, beneficiary entrepreneurs, farmers in the catchment area for availing the services for increased productivity.
SCOPE Brain Storming with Key Stakeholders Preparation of Comprehensive Training Material Training Agricultural Officers, Entrepreneurs & Bankers Training Project Managers (A.O.s)-Intensive Training Marketing Associates of Service Centers Marketing Survey of sample service centers and preparation of business plans based on the outcome Awareness Creation about Service Centers Preparation of ICT Platform Mid-Course Correction measures (that include training) Monitoring & Evaluation
DISCUSSION POINTS Farm Mechanization Scenario in AP Scope for Mechanization in various crops/ geographical regions/agro-climatic conditions Experience sharing of farm mechanization in the respective locations.. Need for a professional approach to make the farm mechanization, a viable concept Marketing Techniques related to the Farm Service Center concept to the farming community
DISCUSSION POINTS Collaboration among stakeholders viz., Industry, Government Departments, Universities Manual Vs. Mechanisation benefits – For Major Crops Suppliers of Farm Mechanisation Units in the Industry, industry structure, major players, new developments, suitability to state’s conditions Subsidies and Financial Support to Entrepreneurs & Farmers Existing pricing structure of various implements used Major hurdles or Bottlenecks in the growth of Mechanisation Concept Case studies of successful Mechanisation projects- India