SIOS (Svalbard Integrated


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Presentation transcript:

SIOS (Svalbard Integrated Arctic Earth Observing System) contribution to YOPP Vito Vitale (ISAC-CNR) on behalf of the SIOS community GOAL: Establish an Arctic Earth Observing System in and around Svalbard that integrates the studies of geophysical, chemical and biological processes from all research and monitoring platforms. Systematic observations in an Earth System Science perspective. Sun-Earth Interaction (Auroral Observations, Ionospheric Scintillations........) Atmospheric Studies (ABL Turbulent fluxes, air-snow interactions, radiative & energy budgets, aerosols, Ozone & UV radiation .........) Geophysics (marine & terrestrial) (Global impact of the icecap shrinking and of the natural hazards, …) Permafrost and terrestrial ecosystems (Microbial communities, ..............) Marine bio-physical studies (Monitoring changes in coastal areas, Biophysical coupling – benthos, Marine biodiversity & adaptation strategies..............) 1 1

SIOS - Svalbard Integrated Arctic Earth Observing System (www SIOS - Svalbard Integrated Arctic Earth Observing System ( A Global Distributed Regional RI in the European Arctic Building on the existing extensive Research Infrastructure Better coordination, integration and collaboration under a joint framework Ny-Ålesund International Research Station Ocean and seafloor observatories Building on the existing extensive Research Infrastructure Collaboration between distributed and independent activity programs Research infrastructure from 13 nations present at 4 major settlements, numerous monitoring sites and offshore facilities Better coordination, integration and collaboration under a joint framework SIOS posted by Norway for the ESFRI Roadmap 2008, Coordination initiative Setting up joint institutions and facilities for the provision of world class RI Establishing common solutions and strategies, user access, data sharing.. Svalbard - A unique site for building an Integrated State-of-the-art Observing System Longyearbyen Research Park and University Centre in Svalbard Russian Science Centre in Barentsburg Polish Polar Station in Hornsund 2


ADDED VALUE Integration/ core activities Knowledge Centre

SIOS INTERIM PHASE a project to develop SIOS-KC in the interim phase sustained by RCN funds and Int. partners commitments LOCs provided by 9 countries through SIOS partner Institutions (AWI, CNR, FMI, BAS, PRIC, IPEV, IGF-PAS, SU) – pending from KOPRI kick off meeting in LYR 24-26 June 2015 core activities of interim phase are organized in the following packages: data management services remotre sensing services access program and logistical services training, education and outreach development of scientific integration through pilot cases

SIOS OFFERS TO YOPP Increase temporal and geographic coverage of key observational data in the SIOS domain (Svalbard Archipelago and surrounding sea). More efficient access to data, metadata and data products from the Svalbard region. Increase interoperability of data for cross-disciplinary research. Improve integration of space-based and in-situ Arctic observations, and development of combined data products. Support satellite calibration/validation activities. Support standardization efforts and increase in traceability of meteo parameters and vertical profiles as well as radiation, gas concentration, etc. opportunities to test parametric schemes for coupling processes with observations. Provide facilities/services for educational, training and integration activities (workshops, thematic courses etc.).

SAON (Sustaining Arctic Observing Networks) Implementation and possible contribution to YOPP Sun-Earth Interaction (Auroral Observations, Ionospheric Scintillations........) Atmospheric Studies (ABL Turbulent fluxes, air-snow interactions, radiative & energy budgets, aerosols, Ozone & UV radiation .........) Geophysics (marine & terrestrial) (Global impact of the icecap shrinking and of the natural hazards, …) Permafrost and terrestrial ecosystems (Microbial communities, ..............) Marine bio-physical studies (Monitoring changes in coastal areas, Biophysical coupling – benthos, Marine biodiversity & adaptation strategies..............) 1 7

SAON IMPLEMENTATION ARCTIC DATA COMMITTEE (ADC - joint with IASC), called to develop strategies for ESTABLISH AN ARCTIC DATA NETWORK THROUGH INTERNATIONAL COLLABORATION. COMMITTEE on OBSERVING NETWORKS (SAON-CON), called to prepare overall strategies for (i) collecting data/information from Arctic social, economic, health and environmental sciences and observations, (ii) long term funding of platforms and operations, (iii) establish a Circum-Arctic set of early warning indicators (an indicators network)


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