Rockhill Elementary Title I Parent Involvement Meeting April 22, 2014
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Meeting Agenda * Title I Overview * Reading Tips * Activity Centers * Questions * Snacks * Evaluations
What is Title I? Title I is a federally funded program that provides supplemental support to help ensure that all students meet the state standards.
Why does my child receive Title I services? Title I serves those children who demonstrate a need for additional help which is supported by teacher referrals and various school wide assessments.
What are the goals of Title I? * Increase academic achievement * Provide professional development for teachers * Encourage parent education and involvement
Parental Involvement * Hallmark of Title I Programs * Parents are most important people and teachers in their children’s lives
Parental Involvement * Paperwork * Permission Letter * Home/School Compact * Parent Involvement Policy * Program Evaluation
Family Activities * Annual Meeting * Author Visit * Camp Literacy * Parent Teacher Conferences * Progress Reports * Book Bingo
What do we do in Title I Class? * Leveled Literacy Interventions * Word Work/Phonics * Read, Reread * Writing
More Information…… * Mrs. Frani Thomas, Title I Coordinator and Reading Specialist at Rockhill Elementary School (447-3631) * Dr. Kendra Trail, Principal (447-3631)