Lecture 23 Quiz 6 Average = 72% (36 out of 50) Mass Spectrometry This week in lab: Ch 9 Final Report Due Synthetic #2 PreLab Due Next week in lab: Synthetic #1 Final Report Due
Molecular Ions Molecular Ions = sum of atomic weight(s) of all isotopes of all elements in a molecule. If you had 10,000 atoms of each type: C: 9890 12C atoms 110 13C atoms H: 9999 1H atoms 1 2H atoms O: 9985 16O atoms, 4 17O atoms, 20 18O atoms N: 9963 14N atoms 37 15N atoms Cl: 7577 35Cl atoms 2423 37Cl atoms (3:1 35Cl:37Cl) Br: 5069 79Br atoms 4931 81Br atoms (1:1 79Br:81Br)
Molecular Ions: Cl & Br Compounds - Isotopes Significant M+2 peak => Cl or Br Cl is 3 parts 35Cl and 1 part 37Cl Br is 1:1 79Br and 81Br
MS of Chlorobenzene M+ C6H535Cl = m/z 112 C6H537Cl = m/z 114 Note ratio: m/z 112:114 is 3:1 M + 2
MS of Bromobenzene C6H579Br = m/z 156 C6H581Br = m/z 158 M+ = 156 Note ratio: 156:158 1:1
Mass Spec Correlation Chart #1 Common fragments ions and/or neutral losses: 15 can only be methyl 17 usually OH 18 always H2O 28 CO or CH2=CH2 29 CH3CH2 or CHO 31 CH3O 35/37 Cl (special isotope pattern too!) 42 CH2=C=O 43 CH3CO or C3H7 45 CH3CH2O or COOH 79/81 Br (special isotope pattern too!)
Mass Spec Correlation Chart #2 Weights of common fragments or neutral losses:
Lab Guide Problems Problem 15.3 Mass spec shown in class (Figure 15.11) Account for the peaks at m/z values of 88 (M+) , 73, 70, 59, and 55.
Lab Guide Problems Problem 15.5 Account for the peaks in the mass spectrum of 2-octanone at m/z values of 129 (M+1), 128 (M+), 113, 85, and 43.
Lab Guide Problems Problem 19.13 The most intense peak in the mass spectrum of 2,2-dimethylbutane is at m/z = 57. Propose a structure of this fragment ion (a.k.a. daughter ion).
Nutmeg Oil GC-MS Data Mass Spectrum of A M+ at 192 Compound is:
Nutmeg Oil GC-MS Data Mass Spectrum of B M+ at 208 Compound is: