Monday, September 19, 2016 Turn Tissue Lab / Tissue Worksheet; put in blue basket Grab a copy of the Tissue Writing Get out paper & something to write with. Get ready to take some notes.
Info to know Thurs. / Fri. – Tissue Quiz; will cover tissue identification & today’s Tissue notes
Tissue Writing Due Wednesday Counts as your Q1 Writing / 10% of your Q1 grade Must be neat & legible (you may type it up if you wish) Include a word count (minimum 200 words) Use proper spelling, grammar, punctuation (complete sentences start w/ capital letter, end w/ period; don’t use 1st person / no “I” or “me” or “we”); points deducted for spelling, punctuation, grammar errors
Writing in Science
Prompt: What are the four major tissue types and their chief subcategories? How does the structure of each of the four major tissue types relate to its function?
Get ready to copy down the following notes
Tissue Notes Chapter 3
Basics Are similar cells organized to carry out a particular function 4 types: epithelial connective muscle nervous
Naming (according to shape and arrangement) Simple = single layer Squamous = thin, flat cells Cuboidal = cube-shaped cells Columnar = elongated (longer than wide) Stratified = layered Pseudo = “false”; looks one way but isn’t Loose = loosely packed Dense = tightly packed Smooth = no striations (ridges / stripes)
Epithelial function: protection, secretion, absorption, Location: body surfaces, cover & line internal organs, compose glands Lack blood vessels, cells are tightly packed Types: simple squamous, simple cuboidal, simple columnar, pseudostratified columnar, stratified squamous, stratified cuboidal, stratified columnar, transitional, glandular
Endocrine glands Ductless glands Secretions diffuse directly into the blood Secrete hormones
Exocrine glands Have ducts Empty their secretions onto the epithelial surface Examples: sweat glands (sudoriferous), oil (sebaceous) glands, liver, pancreas
Types of glands Merocrine = fluid released; salivary, pancreatic, sweat glands in skin Apocrine = secretion and part of the cell released; mammary, ceruminous glands (wax producers) in external ear Holocrine = cell filled with secretion released; sebaceous glands (oil) in skin
Connective Bind, support, protect, fill spaces, store fat, produce blood cells Found throughout body Good blood supply (well vascularized); have extracellular matrix (fibers and a ground substance) in between Types: loose connective, adipose (fat), dense connective, hyaline cartilage, elastic cartilage, fibrocartilage, bone, blood
Connective, cont’d Components Fibroblasts = make fibers Macrophages = carry out phagocytosis Mast cells = secrete heparin and histamine Chondrocytes = cartilage cells Collagenous fiber = provide tensile strength Elastic = stretches Reticular = give delicate support
Muscle Function = movement Found attached to bones, in the walls of hollow internal organs and the heart Muscles contract in response to stimuli The muscle fibers shorten Types: skeletal (striated), smooth (lacks striations), cardiac (striated) Striated = ridges; alternating light and dark cross-markings
Nervous Transmits electrochemical impulses for coordination, regulation, integration and sensory reception Found in the brain , spinal cord, and nerves Cells connect to each other and other body parts Functional characteristics – irritability & conductivity
Membranes = 2 types of tissue working together Serous – line cavities that don’t open to the outside Line the thorax, and abdomen and cover the organs in these cavities Mucous = line cavities that do open to the outside Oral & nasal cavities; line tubes of digestive, respiratory, urinary and reproductive systems
Membranes, cont’d Cutaneous = skin Synovial = lines joints