Host- Microbe Interactions Biology 261 Medgar Evers College Dr. Santos
Infection process!
Section 16.1 Symbiosis- relationship between organisms; three types Mutualism Commensalism Parasitism
Section 16.2 Normal Microbiota
Beneficial roles of Normal flora Protection against infection Aids in digestion Producing substances important for human health.
16.3 Terms to know Colonization- microorganism establishes itself and multiplies itself in an environment. Infection- the host-microbe relationship is parasitic. Symptoms- subjective effects of the disease such as pain and nausea Signs- objective evidence such as rash, pus formation or swelling. Subclinical- symptoms are mild enough to go unnoticed or do not appear.
Contagious disease/communicable- disease that spreads from one host to another. Infectious dose- the number of microbes needed to establish infection. Localized infection- the microbe is limited to one small area.
Systemic infection- the infectious agents spreads throughout the body.
Bacteremia- bacteria circulating in blood Toxemia- toxins circulating in blood Viremia- viruses circulating in blood
16.4 Establishing cause of infectious disease 1- Koch’s postulate- four criteria that were established to identify the causative agent of a particular disease. a- the microorganism must be present in every case of the disease. b- the organism must be grown in pure culture from dispersed hosts. c- the same disease must be produced when a pure culture of the organism is introduced into a host. d- the organism must be removed or isolated from experimentally infected hosts.
Molecular Koch’s Postulates a- the virulence factor or its product should be found in pathogenic strains of the organism. b- mutating the virulence gene to disrupt its function should reduce the virulence of the pathogen. c- reversion of a mutated virulence gene or replacement with a wild type version should restore virulence to the strain.
Pathogenicity Pathogen- disease causing organism that contain certain “virulence factors” that allow them to cause disease. Pathogenesis- the process pathogens use to cause disease Virulence- degree of pathogenicity
Pathogenicity islands- where many virulence genes reside. Plasmids- some virulence genes are found on plasmids such as certain pathogenic E.coli strains that cause diarrhea and C. diphtheriae (diphtheria toxin gene)
Virulence factors Virulence factors- factors that aid the organism in the disease causing process. These factors include pili for attachment, toxins, enzymes, proteins that “reprogram’ the host by disrupting normal signaling processes.
Mechanism of pathogenicity 1- Establishing infection; adhesion, colonization, delivering effector molecules to the host cell 2-Invasion; penetration of skin and mucous membranes 3- avoiding host defense 4- damage to the host
16.5 Establishing infection/adherence First step towards infection is attachment or adhesion. Adhesins on bacteria promote attachment. Include Pili (type I and IV)
Colonization Colonization- this involves taking over sites that are already populated by a normal flora. The pathogen must compete for nutrients, space, and overcome the host’s immune system.
Delivering effector proteins to the host cells Some gram – organisms deliver proteins to host by using syringe like systems known as type III secretion system. Some of the effector proteins induce host ot take up the pathogen.
Type III secretion system (injectisome) Effector proteins induce changes (e.g., altering of cell’s cytoskeleton structure) Can induce uptake of bacterial cells
16.6 invasion- breaching the anatomical barrier Penetration of skin Penetration of mucous membrane 1- Directed uptake by cells 2- Exploit antigen sampling system
Directed uptake by cells Pathogen induces cells to engulf via endocytosis Salmonella uses type III secretion system to inject effector proteins; actin molecules rearrange, yield membrane ruffling
Exploiting antigenic sampling system Some strains of shigella exploit this system to get into the mucous membranes and induce apoptosis in the phagocyte.
16.7 Avoiding the host defense I Hiding inside the host
II Avoiding destruction by phagocytosis preventing encounter with phagocytes avoiding recognition, attachment, surviving within the phagocyte (escape, prevent fusion, surviving).
1-Preventing encounter with phagocyte C5a peptidase- destroys C5a, which recruits phagocytes to area of infection. Membrane damaging toxins to destroy phagocytes.
2-Avoiding recognition 1- capsule proteins inactivate the C3b complement component 2- M proteins found in strains of Streptococcus pyogenes also inactivate the C3b complement component. 3- Fc receptors found on the surface of Staphylococcus and Streptococcus bind to the fc region of an antibody preventing it from binding correctly!
3- surviving within the phagocytes
III Avoiding killing by complement system proteins Microorganisms bind to regulatory proteins involved in the complement system not allowing it to function properly.
IV Avoiding antibodies IgA proteases Ig A antibodies circulating the host bind to adhesin proteins of pathogen preventing their attachment to host receptor. To overcome this, a rapid turnover of the pili occurs, preventing the antibodies from binding. Ex; Neisseria gonorrhoeae varies antigenic structure of pili mimicking “self cells”. Streptococcus pyogenes form capsule from hyaluronic acid, a polysaccharide found in tissues.
16.8 Damage to the host 3 main mechanisms; Release of exotoxins Use of endotoxins Damaging effect of the Immune system
Exotoxins These are proteins that have very specific damaging effects. There are 4 types; 1- A-B toxins, the A subunit is the toxin while the b subunit binds to specific receptors on target cell. 2- Super-antigens interfere with T cell responses by causing non-specific activation of T cells. This leads to a massive release of cytokines that can promote tissue damage.
Examples of AB toxins Cholera exotoxin Enterotoxins Pertussis toxin Anthrax toxin Botulin toxin Tetanus toxin Neutrophil activating protein
Examples of superantigens 1- Toxic shock syndrome toxin-1- secreted by S. aureus leading to fever, rash and shock 2- Staphylococcal enterotoxin- secreted by S.aureus leading to vomiting, fever, diarrhea, and nausea.
3- Membrane damaging toxins that disrupt the integrity of the cell membrane by forming pores or removing the polar head group on phospholipids 4-Hydrolytic enzymes that can break down tissues. Example is exfoliatin toxin secreted by S. aureus to cause scalded skin syndrome.
Endotoxin a toxin that is confined inside the microorganism and is released only when the microorganism is broken down or dies.
Endotoxins This involves the Lipid A of the LPS of a cell wall of a bacteria. The host immune system produces massive amounts of pro- inflammatory cytokines in response to its presence. The immune system will mount a massive attack against lipid A. This can lead to systemic shock or endotoxic shock.
Progression of Disease Incubation period-----illness------- convalescence Acute (strep throat) Chronic (TB) Latent (herpes)