Set for Success With DABS Direct Access Business Solutions Set for Success With DABS Presenter: Barend de Beer All the content and principals included in this presentation are protected by copyright and can not be used without permission from us.
From Fish Bowl Manually Controlled Limited space and growth potential Hands on Owner controlled Limited space and growth potential Low output and profit
To: fish tank Limited Automated support and management Better Equipped Owner manager Risks are mitigated Better Output and profit
To: Oceanarium Fully Automated support and management World class Equipment Owner monitored Risks are mitigated through application of integrated control systems Exceptional profit Internationally known/legacy This is another option for an Overview slides using transitions.
DABS Direct Access Business Solutions Solution: DABS, the 21st century cloud based business management solution accessible from your PC, laptop, tablet or smartphone
DABS Overview: DABS General Management Finance & Admin Direct Access Business Solutions DABS Overview: General Management Finance & Admin Quality Assurance & Control Design & Development/Engineering Sales & Marketing Material management/Logistics Production/Execution Planning and Control
DABS enables you to Lead through clear and understandable goals Mission statement Business plan Business risk analysis Quality policy Departmental objectives
Organize with practical & understandable business management Cover all business functions Process mapping Detailed procedures & instructions Integrated control measures Clear allocated responsibilities
Discipline through Continuous improvement Corrective action Monitoring & feedback Disciplinary Action Performance review
Innovation through Structured design & development Improvement through revolutionary breakthrough
Keep your team motivated: Goal orientated Committed Self motivated Disciplined
Satisfy International Standards ISO9001:2015
Satisfy legal requirements
Implementation Guide Online DABS facilitation DABS consultant on-site guidance Self implementation
Successfully Implemented and used in: Aviation Federal Air, Solenta, Alclad Manufacturing Consol Glass, Nampak Glass, Consol Plastics Automotive Industry Mercedes Benz, Med International, Caravelle Education Belgium Campus Mining & Engineering MMD Sizers SA, India and Australia, Consol Minerals
What will it cost me? - The DABS solution is priced per user on subscription basis to fit in with the size of your business, starting from $50/user/month with no lock-in contracts. - The implementation can vary from $0- self implementation, $500 – On-line support implementation to $1000 – Onsite consultant implementation support And can lead you to full ISO9001:2015 compliance a few weeks or months depending on your implementation schedule. Visit to place your order or request more info
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