Supplier Diversity at Penn State University Duane M. Bullock Manager, Supplier Diversity and Environmentally Responsible Purchasing
Mission The Pennsylvania State University is committed to the goal of non-discrimination and to giving fair consideration for all vendors in its procurement programs.
Mission The Supplier Diversity Program was established to ensure that minority, women-owned, veteran and HUBzone businesses have full opportunity to compete for University’s business.
Mission The Supplier Diversity Program serves as a liaison between the diverse vendor community and all University staff with procurement responsibilities.
Program Work with three areas: Purchasing Agents, Departments (end users) and Suppliers to promote program Brochures – distribute about Program
Outreach National Minority Supplier Development Council (NMSDC) – Annual Fair Trade fairs representing PSU Purchasing Literature – supplier applications, commodity lists Department of General Services (DGS) networking events (Erie, Allentown). SBA Alliance Mid-Atlantic Fair – Matchmaking sessions
Department Visits/Inreach Visit departments to discuss their needs and talk about the program (goal: diversify Penn State’s current supplier pool) Researchers of Federally funded contracts End users create the requisitions – start at the beginning
Host Supplier Visits Invite MBEs/WBEs to University Park campus Facilitate meetings with purchasing agent & department end user Investigating opportunities for business between the two parties
Supplier Site Visits Visit diverse suppliers and tour their operations (Jaymore Electrical, Pgh.)
Campus Visits Travel to Commonwealth Campuses to discuss program with end users and locate local suppliers in the area that can supply products and services to the University
Presentations Housing Directors for Commonwealth Campuses Directors of Business Services Retreat Local NAPM Regional office
Diversity Managers Talk with Supplier Diversity Managers at other universities University of Virginia (Dr. Donald Jones) University of Pittsburgh (Dr. James Herring)
Diversity Councils Regional Minority Purchasing Council’s (RMPC) general membership meetings Council is designed to bring together MBE/WBEs & Corporates for networking opportunities Current member – Pittsburgh Council (western PA)
Disadvantaged or Minority-Owned Business To Qualify: Privately owned business –51% owned, controlled, and managed by minority group members Publicly owned business –51% of business stock is owned by minority group members Minority group members include: African-American, Asian-American, Hispanic-American and Native Americans
Woman-Owned Business To Qualify: Privately owned business –51% owned, controlled, and managed by a woman or women Publicly owned business –51% of the business stock is owned by a woman or women
HUB zone-Certified Business To Qualify: Business is located in a Historically Underutilized Business Zone (HUB zone) and at least 35% of its employees reside in a HUB zone.
Veteran-Owned Business To Qualify: A business must be at least 51% owned, controlled, and actively managed by a veteran or veterans
Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Business To Qualify: A business must be at least 51% owned, controlled, and actively managed by one or more service-disabled veterans
Success Stories Tri-Logic Corporation, Canonsburg, PA Provided information technology network consulting services to Business Services and The Penn Stater Conference Center Hotel
Success Stories Supply Source, State College & Williamsport, Pa. Provides the University with quality office furniture and interior design. Designated supplier for Finance & Business units.
Success Stories Guy Brown Products, Brentwood, TN Offers remanufactured toner cartridges through General Stores. Samples have been provided to various departments on campus.
Success Stories Clearwater Services, Harrisburg, PA Window washing firm for residence halls
Success Stories Sterling Contractors, LLC, Homestead, PA Approved for the Office of Physical Plant’s prequalified bidders list as a general contractor. OPP Contractor Liaison (position created)
Seminars “How To Do Business with Penn State U.” Williamsport, Lycoming Chamber of Commerce Harrisburg, Pittsburgh, Philadelphia, Hershey (joint effort with Department of General Services)
Institutes NAEP Supplier Diversity Procurement Academy – March 2006 NAEP Supplier Diversity Institutes – 2012 (Houston), 2014 (Chicago), 2016 (Kansas City) NAEP Annual Meetings – Supplier Diversity Track
Purchasing Card VISA charge card for University Business Issued to pre-approved, trained employees Small dollar purchases ($2000 and under) Purchase of material, supplies and services within established guidelines and limits Over 9000 cardholders - $80 million/year
Website User friendly: Suppliers Departments Agents
Other Purchasing Departments Hershey Medical Center - All commodities/services – medical Applied Research Lab - Research & Development Housing and Foods - Food products, vending services, etc.
Contact Information Duane M. Bullock, Supplier Diversity Manager The Pennsylvania State University 101 Procurement Services Building University Park, Pa 16802-1004 Phone: 814-865-5417 Fax: 814-865-3028 Email DMB5@PSU.EDU