Introduction and Writing Prompts The Odyssey Introduction and Writing Prompts
The Odyssey Written by Homer Genre: epic poem The Odyssey is the ten year journey of Odysseus as he tries to return home from the Trojan War. The Iliad, also written by Homer, is the story of the ten year Trojan War, and Odysseus was a key warrior in the battle.
A little about the Trojan War The party The missing invitation Golden apple marked “For the fairest” Aphrodite, Hera, Athena Zeus refuses to judge; sends girls to Mount Ida to see Prince Paris Paris’ father is Priam, King of Troy Goddesses try to bribe Paris
A little about the Trojan War Paris gets Helen and “kidnaps” her. Her husband, Menelaus, King of Sparta is angry Greeks gather an army to get Helen back “The face that sailed a thousand ships.” Odysseus did not want to go to war Ten year war brought about heroes like: Achilles Ajax Hector Odysseus
A little about the Trojan War Odysseus originated the Trojan Horse idea “Beware of Greeks bearing gifts” Greeks defeat the Trojans, and Odysseus is a hero of the war The Odyssey begins as Odysseus leaves Troy and heads for Ithaca, his home. The journey should take him two weeks, but it ends up taking him ten years.
Please respond to this prompt Please list eight qualities of a good leader. Please list four leaders in our society/culture. Identify if they are a good or bad leader. What makes them a good leader or a bad leader? Be prepared to share your responses with the class
Possible Responses Responsible Respectable Intelligent Confident Communication skills Motivated Willing to take risks Good listener Trustworthy Consistent
Epic Definition A long, narrative (tells a story) poem written in an elevated style about the deeds of a hero that has real world historical significance
Conventions of the Epic Genre Definition—a widely used and accepted device or technique; a pattern CONVENTIONS OF EPICS Invocation to the muse Homer prays to Calliope Epic begins “in medias res” (in the middle) Odyssey begins at the Council of the gods where Athena is asking Zeus to allow Odysseus to return home. Moves into flashback to ensure the reader gets the whole story
Conventions of the Epic Genre Includes epos—many short adventures Includes standard epithets as a substitute for the god’s/person’s name Epithet—an adjective or descriptive phrase that is regularly used to characterize a person, place, or thing Wine-dark sea Grey-eyed Athena The observant courier The curse of man
Conventions of the Epic Genre Supernatural is used Gods become involved with the action and intervene in human affairs Poetic devices are widely used Similes, metaphors, personification
HOMERIC SIMILE Homeric simile, also called an epic simile is a detailed comparison in the form of a simile that is many lines in length. The word "Homeric" is based on the Greek author, Homer. Compares something from mythology that the reader cannot comprehend (Hermes flying) with something concrete in our world (seagull swooping down for fish) that helps aid in the comprehension.
Journal Entry Based on your list of leadership qualities, is Odysseus a good leader? Formal Assignment: Create a report card for Odysseus and grade him in seven areas of leadership. You are the teacher; create a high school; give grades that include comments that support your grade. Examples are available for you to look at Be creative Due date: