The Odyssey Books XIII-XVI
Book XIII marks the first book after the midpoint of the epic poem Book XIII marks the first book after the midpoint of the epic poem. What is now different?
Transition Odysseus returns home after his many adventures and great suffering, yet he is a different man beginning a new existence.
Journey of the Imagination Life is an archetypal journey from birth to death Growth is a journey from oblivion to consciousness Achievement is a journey from dissatisfaction to fulfillment
What “death” does Odysseus experience?
Journey of the Imagination Archetypal pattern: death, funeral, underground journey, rebirth When he leaves the court of Alcinous, Odysseus leaves acknowledged order. He leaves life itself to bring order to a kingdom in chaos.
Death and Funeral Departure: the sun sets as Odysseus leaves Ritual: escorts prepare clothing, treasure, and food to “speed the parting guest” Oblivion: the “sleep of death” falls upon Odysseus
The Journey The ship voyages with intensity Nearly supernatural motion and swiftness “Bearing a man with the gods’ own wisdom”
When is Odysseus “reborn”?
Rebirth Arrives on Ithaca at dawn Odysseus remains bewitched in a deep sleep The Phaeacians magically disappear Ithaca is shrouded in mist
Rebirth Ithaca = a garden paradise, the golden fields of Elysium Odysseus’ first encounter is with divinity = Athena Reclaims both kingdom and birthright = righteousness The hope/promise of restoration
The Loyal Servant Eumaeus tends the garden despite its threatened destruction Honesty is tested and revealed as a disguised Ody hears of himself in his own “absence” The swineherd’s noble heritage is manifested in his character Honor in pastoral vocation
Fathers and Sons Tele is no stranger to Eumaeus’ virtue and paternal care Ody’s bloodline is extraordinary = only one son Telemachus has earned honor from Menelaus
Fathers and Sons Tele escapes death, arriving swiftly on Ithaca to claim his birthright Reborn into his rightful identity Father’s instruction in wile begins immediately