Pick-Up Order Lead Time Project Storyboard The Bahama Bistro Sample Storyboard Visit GoLeanSixSigma.com for more Lean Six Sigma Resources
Executive Summary
Key Words (Specific to the Bahama Bistro) Pick-Up Order Lead Time: Total cycle time from the moment the customer places their order to the moment they receive their food. Packaging Process: All tasks related to placing food into take-out containers, selecting utensils, napkins and condiments and then placing them all into a bag Pick-Up Wait Time: The cycle time from the moment a Pick-up customer walks in the door to the moment their order is made available to them Condiments: Mini-bottles of hot sauce, limes, salt and pepper
Project Charter
VOC Translation Matrix Key Take Away: Project needs to address overall Lead time which will impact customer wait time as well as food temperature
SIPOC: Pick-Up Order Process Key Take Away: The scope of this project goes from the point of receiving the customer order to the point at which food is available
Detailed Map – Pick-Up Process Key Take Away: The process needs more analysis – packaging segment seems to take longer than expected
Data Collection Plan Key Take Away: Cashier was largely responsible for all data collection – the team adjusted job duties to accommodate
Gage R&R: Pick-Up Order Wait Time Key Take Away: The measurement system variation was less than 10% for collection of wait time data – Measurement Systems were good!
Baseline Data Total Pick-up Order Cycle Time Average time is 27 minutes Goal of 20 minutes Key Take Away: The baseline process was not capable of reaching project goal of 20 minutes
Fishbone Diagram & 5 Whys Key Take Away: Root Cause Analysis will focus on Packaging process, condiment prep and availability of staff
Process Map Analysis Key Take Away: Mapping highlighted packaging as a potential root cause of pick-up order delay
One-Sample T-Test Null: There is no difference between the current process and the 6 minute historic average Alternative: The current average is not equal to the historic average Key Take Away: Packaging pick-up orders was taking longer than 6 minutes. Improvement focused on the packaging process
Hypothesis Testing Results Key Take Away: Hypothesis tests confirmed that the process has gotten worse and that packaging was a key area of focus
Impact Effort Matrix Key Take Away: The team planned to implement the three solutions in the low effort/high impact quadrant
To-Be Map Segment Key Take Away: Improvements to materials, process and cross-training resulted in faster lead time overall
Before & After Time Data Key Take Away: Implemented solutions decreased total cycle time and achieved project goal of less than 20 minutes
Implementation Plan Key Take Away: This implementation Plan was key in terms of all team members knowing their role in the roll-out
Packing Type DOE Key Take Away: This Design of Experiments was instrumental in selecting the new Pick-Up order packaging
Risk Management Key Take Away: Cross-Training mitigated the risk of overloading the chef during peak hours
Monitoring & Response Plan Key Take Away: The monitoring plan factors in both the leading indicators of packaging time and customer wait time along with the project “Y”
Control Chart of Project Y Key Take Away: The team is continuing to work on the special causes of variation – and the Upper Control Limit of 23 minutes is the Response Plan trigger
Transfer Opportunities Key Take Away: The improvements implemented at one location can easily be translated to other locations – time to spread the wealth!
Wait Time Hypothesis Test Key Take Away: There was a difference between the historical median and the current median for customer wait time – it was taking longer!
Communication Plan Key Take Away: The Communication Plan was instrumental in making sure everyone knew what was happening with the project at all times
P- Chart of “Late” Packaging Proportion of Late Packaging – June Key Take Away: The P-Chart turned out to be the best visual for Packaging time – by deriving discrete data from continuous data the positive trend was obvious