Expectations & Policies Bienvenidos 2017-2018 Course Description The main objective in Spanish 3 and 3H is to develop, reinforce, and refine communicative competency in listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills. Cultural competency will also be developed and explored. Goals this year are: ●learn new vocabulary ●build familiarity with formal grammar ●gain confidence speaking Spanish ●communicate in Spanish in real life situations ●increase reading comprehension, summarize texts a la clase de español 3 y 3H My Contact Info: Mrs. Paul Phone: x3133 Email: maria.paul@smyrna.k12.de.us Expectations & Policies Be Prepared and ON TIME. Come to class with your materials, homework, and books, before the bell. Your stuff in the room does NOT count as on time. Follow ALL School Policies: dress code, phone, attendance/lates to class, disruption, eating in class etc. Phone usage is TEACHER PERMISSION ONLY and consequences will result otherwise. Be Respectful. Show respect to yourself, your classmates, your teacher, and the classroom environment at all times. Please ask first if you need something. Disruptions are not tolerated. Be Honest. Academic dishonesty is unacceptable and will result in reduced/no credit. This also applies to leaving my room. Go where you are telling me! Be an Active Learner. Be engaged, try your best. Participate in class discussion and activities. Stay on-task. Stay in your assigned seat. SPEAK! You will be expected to contribute to class discussions/activities IN SPANISH every class period. At level 3 it is expected that you will speak in Spanish during the majority of the class period. I will speak majority Spanish. Speaking will be a part of your grade and expectations every day. Grades Formative I am available most days after school. Please ask first. I will not reteach Spanish 2 concepts during class or during that time. Need Help? Summative Exit Slips/Summaries Homework ** Practice activities In class work Notebook Checks Speakings – teacher choice Participation Warm ups Quizzes Tests Projects Speakings- teacher choice Skits 65% 35% Absent? Supplies Your responsibility Teacher is not your first resource Check the class binder first, read the Agenda Diaria carefully!! 5 class periods or it’s a 0 High School CLASS WEBSITE ask a friend Pencils Binder Divider tabs Paper
Assignments and Late Work Due dates are final. I don’t chase students for their work in Spanish 3. Assignments should be turned into the bin for the appropriate class period. Work without names will receive reduced points. 10% will be deducted for each class period an assignment/project/assessment is late . After 5 class periods it will be a max of 50% including projects. See me to schedule a time if you need to make up a quiz. Homework is checked at the beginning of class, it will not be accepted after we go over it. Late assignments will not be accepted after an IPR or Report Card is issued. This is a school policy. Attendance and Absences If you are absent, it is 100% your responsibility. YOU MUST OPEN THE CLASSROOM BINDER AND READ THE AGENDA PAGE FIRST!! Check Google Classroom! The binder is on the table AND the AGENDA page will list what we did, if there were handouts that you missed, or notes. READ IT CAREFULLY! Take a picture of it! Next to the item it will say what you need to do with it, turn it in, keep it in your binder, etc. Googleclassroom will be used! If you have any questions, ask a classmate first. If you have questions wait until it’s a good time to ask. Don’t intterupt class for what you missed. Jump back into class and be patient! Complete the assignment within the amount of time of your absence. If you were missing one class period, you have one class period to make it up. If you were missing two class period , you have two class periods to make it up. Anything after 5 class periods will be half credit to a 0. Projects will receive a max of 50%. If you are absent due to a school activity it is your responsibility to get the assignment ahead of time and turn it on the day it is due. All work is subject to the late policy!! Consequences : Should you decide to not follow my classroom or the school’s expectations, you can expect the following: (these are not in order, but are the tools I will utilize depending on your choices) Verbal warning/parent contact same day on 1st offense Private discussion with the teacher Call home to parent Coaches contacted After-school detention Office referral Parent/teacher conference The Big 3: Preparar Participar Respetar REMIND CODE Spanish 3 CP @24236k Spanish 3H @9kh2ch **Google Classroom Codes are in the classroom! I will have ppts covered in class, warm ups, book pages/exercises we do in class. This is the absent work Parking Spot. Please make sure you are connected to our class. **Remind app is used to send reminders to your phones about upcoming assignments/quizzes etc. No phone numbers will appear!