31th International Meeting on Systematics and Biology of Staphylinidae Brussels 5-8.05.2016 To be or not to be - that is the question … about the competition between Philonthus spinipes and Philonthus nitidus (Coleoptera: Staphylinine) Andrzej Mazur* and Andrzej Górz** in cooperation with Wanyue Guo* and Wei Yan* * Department of Forest Entomology, Faculty of Forestry, Poznan Life Sciences University, Poland ** Institute of Biology, Pedagogical University of Cracow, Poland
31th International Meeting on Systematics and Biology of Staphylinidae Inspired by Harald Schillhammer „Philonthus spinipes is a habitat competitor with P. nitidus and has gradually displaced it, with the consequence that, especially in Central Europe, P. nitidus has become very rare.” Schillhammer H. 1999. Revision …. Koleopterologische Runschau, 69: 55-65. „Expansive Art (…), die in Mitteleuropa mit dem in der Ökologie änlichen nitidus konkuriert.” Dear Frends, An inspiration for my research was two sentences of Harald Schillhammer, who described Ph. spinipes in the following way: (I quote) Schillhammer H. 2012. Staphylininae… . FHL, S. 424. 31th International Meeting on Systematics and Biology of Staphylinidae Brussels 5-8.05.2016
31th International Meeting on Systematics and Biology of Staphylinidae Introduction Philonthus spinipes Sharp, 1874 an alien species in the fauna of Poland and Europe. It was accidentally brought to southern Europe from eastern Asia and is spreading throughout the continent. At present it is recorded almost in all regions of Europe. Some words of introduction Philonthus spinipes (after http://commons.wikimedia.org/, Photo. U. Schmidt 2009) 31th International Meeting on Systematics and Biology of Staphylinidae Brussels 5-8.05.2016
31th International Meeting on Systematics and Biology of Staphylinidae Introduction In Poland in the last 30 years (1982-2011) a total of at least 140 specimens of this species were found. However, the official record was published in 1991. Since then the species has been observed in different parts of the country. Distribution of Philonthus spinipes in Poland (after Polish Biodiversity Information Network, 2015) 31th International Meeting on Systematics and Biology of Staphylinidae Brussels 5-8.05.2016
31th International Meeting on Systematics and Biology of Staphylinidae Introduction Philonthus nitidus (Fabr., 1787) Philonthus nitidus inhabits mainly northern and central Europe. In Scandinavia it reaches far outside the Arctic Circle. In the west it can be found in France, in the south – in the northern part of Italy and Serbia and in Transylvania. It has also been recorded in Siberia, Kazakhstan and Mongolia. Philonthus nitidus, Photo L. Borowiec, www.colopolon.biol.uni.wroc.pl 31th International Meeting on Systematics and Biology of Staphylinidae Brussels 5-8.05.2016
31th International Meeting on Systematics and Biology of Staphylinidae Introduction In Poland Ph. nitidus is probably found throughout the country, even in high mountains. However, data from many regions is missing. Up to 1980 this species had been recorded in Poland in the regions marked on the map. Distribution of Philonthus nitidus in Poland (after Polish Biodiversity Information Network, 2015) 31th International Meeting on Systematics and Biology of Staphylinidae Brussels 5-8.05.2016
31th International Meeting on Systematics and Biology of Staphylinidae Materials & Methods 51 localities at 215 – 1780 m above sea level. Research period 2011-2013 The research region coverd the northern part of Carpathians. In this region were 51 localities at Materials was collected by Andrzej Górz from Cracow Research region: the Polish part of the Carpathians (south-eastern Poland) Material collection: Andrzej Górz (Grant of the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education no. NN304 139940) 31th International Meeting on Systematics and Biology of Staphylinidae Brussels 5-8.05.2016
31th International Meeting on Systematics and Biology of Staphylinidae Materials & Methods All the beetles were collected in two ways: Using bite traps of animal excrements. Traps were checked every 2 - 3 weeks. Three traps were distributed at each of the localities By flotation; this method was used in the grazing season on pastures 31th International Meeting on Systematics and Biology of Staphylinidae Brussels 5-8.05.2016
31th International Meeting on Systematics and Biology of Staphylinidae Results The material containt over: 62 000 …. The dung beetles (Scarabaeidae) were the manly object of study. Scarabaeidae – 62 000; Hydrophylidae – 10 000; Histeridae – 1 200 Staphylinidae – 12 470 individuals 31th International Meeting on Systematics and Biology of Staphylinidae Brussels 5-8.05.2016
31th International Meeting on Systematics and Biology of Staphylinidae Philonthus spinipes Results In this experimental material at 11 localities 31 specimens of Ph. spinipes were recorded in 16 samples with 697 other representatives of Staphylinidae. Sex ratio (males/females) 1:0.94 The dominance index (D) for Ph. spinipes in samples ranged from 1.08 to 33.3 at mean 8.02. The index calculated for the entire collected material was D = 0.25. 31th International Meeting on Systematics and Biology of Staphylinidae Brussels 5-8.05.2016
31th International Meeting on Systematics and Biology of Staphylinidae Philonthus spinipes Results Analysis of incidence frequency of males and females of Philonthus spinipes in the months of the vegetation period 31th International Meeting on Systematics and Biology of Staphylinidae Brussels 5-8.05.2016
Philonthus spinipes Results Frequency of females and males of Ph. spinipes at different altitudes 31th International Meeting on Systematics and Biology of Staphylinidae Brussels 5-8.05.2016
31th International Meeting on Systematics and Biology of Staphylinidae Philonthus spinipes Results Domination of Ph. spinipes in the community of Staphylinidae at different altitudes 31th International Meeting on Systematics and Biology of Staphylinidae Brussels 5-8.05.2016
31th International Meeting on Systematics and Biology of Staphylinidae Philonthus nitidus Results Philonthus nitidus was found in 71 samples at the total number of 285 specimens (143 ♂♂ and 142 ♀♀) The dominance index was D = 2.29, while the incidence rate index was C = 22.82. Philonthus nitidus was recorded at 31 localities, i.e. it was found at 60.7% experimental sites 31th International Meeting on Systematics and Biology of Staphylinidae Brussels 5-8.05.2016
31th International Meeting on Systematics and Biology of Staphylinidae Philonthus nitidus Results Analysis of incidence frequency of males and females of Philonthus nitidus in the months of the vegetation period 31th International Meeting on Systematics and Biology of Staphylinidae Brussels 5-8.05.2016
31th International Meeting on Systematics and Biology of Staphylinidae Philonthus nitidus Results Frequency of females and males of Philonthus nitidus at different altitudes 31th International Meeting on Systematics and Biology of Staphylinidae Brussels 5-8.05.2016
31th International Meeting on Systematics and Biology of Staphylinidae Philonthus nitidus Results Domination of Ph. nitidus in the community of Staphylinidae at different altitudes 31th International Meeting on Systematics and Biology of Staphylinidae Brussels 5-8.05.2016
31th International Meeting on Systematics and Biology of Staphylinidae Conclusions Thesis: Is there or isn’t there the competition beetwen Ph. spinipes and Ph. nitidus? Arguments pro: Both species occurr in the same biotops Top of incidence frequences is at the same time (September) The number of Ph. spinipes specimens is higher in the spring Ph. spinipes has big dispersial power (it occurrs on islands and in high mountain zones) : In order to answer the question: If the competition beetwen Ph. spinipes and Ph. nitidus realy exsits we must consider arguments for … and against: 31th International Meeting on Systematics and Biology of Staphylinidae Brussels 5-8.05.2016
31th International Meeting on Systematics and Biology of Staphylinidae Conclusions Thesis: Is there or isn’t there the competition beetwen Ph. spinipes and Ph. nitidus? Arguments contra: Ph. nitidus is a dominat in the Polish part of the Carpathians Both species occurr together at only two localities It dominates in the season peak (July- August) Ph. nitidus has a high domination index in samples : 31th International Meeting on Systematics and Biology of Staphylinidae Brussels 5-8.05.2016
Thank you for your attention andrzej.mazur@up.poznan.pl