A short time ago there was two twins named Jibber and Jane they absolutely treasured going on adventures at 2:00 every afternoon. They would run rapidly through the dark slippery tunnels, but one time the ice-cream man came, because they were so excited they rushed, dived, rolled and even flied across the air. But before they knew it, they were in a truck ready to go to the mystifying jungle. They were so terrified of what could happen to them because it could have been the final moment they would of spent together.
They were shaking to their boots even if they were not wearing any, but eventual they arrived at this very mossy, rainy and creepy forest. Jane was disgusted with all the spider webs but she thought that with all the disgusting things it was fun, because she loved adventures. But Jibber however was so alarmed he had never been so terrified, frightened, shocked and even afraid Jane was surprised because Jibber also loved going on adventures. He always loved all the horrendous creatures when they were even poisonous.
Jane and Jibber were exploring the mystifying jungle some of the creatures were truly poisonous and some you couldn’t see at all because they were camouflaged through the massive trees. They were both kind of having fun because they had mud fights, they had races of who could get up the tallest tree and hide and seek but they could never find each other. But it was getting very shady it was cold, damp, muddy and freezing cold. Luckily they bought a tent because when they were trying to get there ice-cream, when they tripped into that truck they were going to explore all the creatures and they were going to camp over night. They were praying for a miracle, a sign anything that could get them out of the slimy, dangerous and mossy jungle.
What was the point of going through all the pain with hardly any food for humans and you never know what could happen next in the mysterious jungle. But Jane saw something in a bushy area behind the gigantic trees it was people like Jane and Jibber, they couldn’t believe there extraordinary eyes. So they went over there and talked to them, the people that were there were explores they loved exploring like Jane and Jibber. The other thing they noticed was they have a helicopter, so Jibber thought that it could be there life-size chance of getting out of the untamed jungle.
So they asked if someone from there crew could take them home in the misty helicopter and they said “YES”! Jane and Jibber were so excited they were going to there comfortable home and finally have a shower because they smelt horrible. But they were going to miss the smell of the forest, the huge trees, the beautiful waterfall but mainly the animals. But at least they get to see there loving family and hopefully there family would miss them too. They finally got home, there mum was so worried and so was there dad, but at least they were so pleased. Jane got to see her cute tiny pet cat, Snowball and Jibber got to see his favorite toy, Robby the robot. After all that they had to go through, they had a good quality bake dinner they were all so quiet because there dinner was so superior. They were so exhausted so they got a good night sleep with there two teddy bears Jane had Mr. Teddy and Jibber had Snot ball.
The next morning Jibber and Jane wanted to go on another adventure this time they were extra excited because they might go to the jungle again, they never know what’s going to happen next.