FEMM Riccardo Bruno INFN CT
FEMM – Previous planning … Planned steps Site installation of Wine+Xvfb and publishing their relative software tags Development of a first JDL Test of the JDL Tuning the application on the Grid Acitrezza, First Internaional Grid School for Industrial Applications, 02.07.2007
FEMM – SW Installation Site installation of Wine+Xvfb and publishing their relative software tags Rosanna C. as Site Administrator of this school installed for us the required software Wine comes from RH9 RPM RPMs make easier installation on Grid Xvfb Already available from SLC 3.x sofware repository Acitrezza, First Internaional Grid School for Industrial Applications, 02.07.2007
FEMM – The JDL Type = "Job"; JobType = "Normal"; Executable = "/bin/sh"; Arguments = "script.sh message!"; StdOutput = "femm.out"; StdError = "femm.err"; InputSandbox = {"script.sh","femm.tar.gz","SyncRel.lua","SyncRel.fem"}; OutputSandbox = {"femm.out","femm.err","flussi_syncrel.txt"}; RetryCount = 4 The JDL consists of a normal job The Argument to the script is introduced for future uses Acitrezza, First Internaional Grid School for Industrial Applications, 02.07.2007
FEMM – files of femm JDL FEMM application files have been collected and inserted to a TARBALL file ./MFC42.DLL ./fkn.exe ./femm.tlb ./license.txt ./matlib.dat ./triangle.exe ./femmplot.exe ./statlib.dat ./belasolv.exe ./femm.exe ./MSVCRT.DLL FEMM input files: SyncRel.fem SyncRel.lua FEMM output files flussi_syncrel.txt Acitrezza, First Internaional Grid School for Industrial Applications, 02.07.2007
FEMM – Testing JDL Testing of the JDL gave several problems due to MFC42.DLL was not caught by WINE when first attempting to copy the whole .wine directory Xvfb gave us problems due to its control directory/files: /etc/X11-… and lock file /etc/X1.lock Before to obtain a first success a cleaning of ALL WNs was necessary Rosanna C. as site admin of this school grid, cleaned the directories. Acitrezza, First Internaional Grid School for Industrial Applications, 02.07.2007
FEMM – The running script HOSTNAME=$(hostname -f) USER=$(whoami) ARG1=$1 LOCALDIR=$(pwd) echo "HOST: "$HOSTNAME echo "USER: "$USER echo "ARGS: "$ARG1 echo "LOCALDIR is: "$LOCALDIR echo "HOMEDIR is:"$HOME ... echo "Unpacking TAR" tar xvfz femm.tar.gz echo "Starting Xvfb" Xvfb :1 & XVFB_PID=$! sleep 2 export DISPLAY=:1 echo "Starting test xclock" xclock & XCLOCK_PID=$! echo "Starting WINE and FEMM" wine femm.exe -lua-script=SyncRel.lua -windowhide WINE_PID=$! sleep 2 ... echo "Closing xclock" kill $XCLOCK_PID echo "Killing Xvfb" kill $XVFB_PID rm -rf /tmp/.X11-unix rm -rf /tmp/.X1-lock Acitrezza, First Internaional Grid School for Industrial Applications, 02.07.2007
Understand why Xvfb failed Tuning the application on the Grid FEMM – Future steps Understand why Xvfb failed Tuning the application on the Grid Make the JDL parametric (internally or externally) Acitrezza, First Internaional Grid School for Industrial Applications, 02.07.2007
Questions… Acitrezza, First Internaional Grid School for Industrial Applications, 02.07.2007