Results Oriented Program Formulation Session 3. Sub-sector Review, Stakeholder and Client Consultation and Analysis of Development Objectives
Objectives of Session 3 Explain why a sector review is a necessary step in long-term program planning List the types of information that should be included in a sector review Identify stakeholders and clients to be included in program formulation Discuss the importance of development objectives in guiding program formulation
Sub-Sector Review
Step 1. Review Sub-sector or Region National economy Agro-ecological zone level level: Area and production * Agro-ecological trends characteristics Future demand? * Share in national production Target group * Socioeconomic characteristics Import / export * Yields Development objectives
Types of Information Required by the Review Potential Sustainable Productivity versus National Development Objectives Current conditions: - Producer’s situation in each zone
Types of Information Required by the Review Current conditions: Demand factors and agricultural sector characteristics Potential sustainable productivity National development objectives
Example of Sub-sector Review: PNG Agric-Issues and Options Agricultural Performance since 1975: Palm oil, Coffee, Cocoa, Natural rubber, Coconut products, Food crops Factors impacting performance Research Extension services Labour Infrastructure Property rights Investment and finance Macro-economic factors Trade policies Industry assistance and taxation Policies
Stakeholders and Clients in Program Planning
It is important to involve representatives of key stakeholder groups in program planning
Participation is Important for: Parties to share in problem analysis Parties to share in solution strategy formulation All aspects of problem to be addressed Clients to build commitment Two-way communication
Sub-sector Review and Consultation of Stakeholders and Clients Identifies general outline of program Identifies the actors Sometimes specific expertise is needed
Examples of Stakeholders Public officials Government bodies Public land managers Interest groups Small scale farmers Extension agents Commodity organizations Private industries
Examples of Stakeholders (Cont.) Private sector Finance houses Market agents Policy makers Other public corporations
Principle Clients of Research Producers Agro-processors Consumers Scientists Policymakers
Principle Clients of Research (Cont.) Private sector (e.g. pharmaceutical companies, feed manufacturers) Extension services Local government
Why Involve Clients? Research program will be more user-focused Users’ needs will be linked to research Chances of implementation increase
Analysis of Development Objectives
Examples of Development Goals included in a Strategic Plan For example: The PNG National Agriculture Development Plan 2007-2016: The Vision: “Sustainable transformation of the country’s agriculture sector into a vibrant and productive sector that contributes to economic growth, social wellbeing, national food security and poverty alleviation” NARI Strategic Vision: “Prosperous PNG agricultural communities”
Examples of Development Goals included in a Strategic Plan (Cont.) For example: The PNG National Agriculture Development Plan 2007-2016: Overall Goal: "To stimulate economic growth in the agriculture sector in all districts through the development of a well coordinated planning and implementation that are interactive, and effective, involving the full participation of the stakeholders, which promotes food security, income generation and poverty alleviation” NARI Strategic Goal: To contribute to improved welfare of rural families and communities who depend wholly or partly on agriculture and their livelihoods
Examples of Development Goals included in a Strategic Plan ( Cont.) The vision gives a clear picture of where PNG agriculture wants to be in the long term The main impediments to successful implementation of this plan: Vast untapped potential that lies in its people and material resources Low profitability and competitiveness that constrain the participation of a full spectrum of people and economic entities
Examples of Regional Development Goals Pacific Plan 2006-2015: Reduce poverty by 20% No increase in HIV/AIDS and Sexually Transmitted Infections prevalence Improved gender equality
Examples of Global Development Goals For example: The Millennium Development Goals include: Reduce hunger and poverty by half by 2015 Achieve universal primary education Promote gender equality and empower women Reduce child mortality
Examples of Global Development Goals (Cont.) For example: The Millennium Development Goals include: Improve maternal health Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases Ensure environmental sustainability Develop a global partnership for development