JRA1.4 - Account for different resource types John Gordon, Alison Packer, Will Rogers STFC Inspire JRA1 Meeting 25-OCT-2012
Inspire JRA1 Meeting 25-OCT-2012 Types of Accounting CPU Cloud Storage Parallel jobs Bandwidth Application Inspire JRA1 Meeting 25-OCT-2012
Inspire JRA1 Meeting 25-OCT-2012 CPU Accounting External Clients migrated to using new APEL System: OSG/gratia INFN/DGAS NDGF, CH (sites are UNIBE-LHEP, UNIBE-ID & UNIGE-DPNC)/SGAS One external client left on old system, IN2P3, who will work on migration in November (personnel changes have affected completion of this work) Inspire JRA1 Meeting 25-OCT-2012
Inspire JRA1 Meeting 25-OCT-2012 CPU Accounting contd. Other new clients: IGE/GridSafe – testing successful QosCoSGrid/MAPPER – testing EDGI – have a plan, awaiting testing UNICORE – successfully tested, implementing new SSM protocol New version of CAR work in progress to resolve acceptable DN format, John Gordon presented CAR profile to OMB http://bit.ly/Nppvrp New client will support local job accounting Inspire JRA1 Meeting 25-OCT-2012
Inspire JRA1 Meeting 25-OCT-2012 MPI Accounting collection agreed, defined in CAR EMI-3 client to be deployed in 2013 will include this Visualisation under discussion Inspire JRA1 Meeting 25-OCT-2012
Inspire JRA1 Meeting 25-OCT-2012 Storage Accounting StAR agreed, John Gordon presented StAR profile http://bit.ly/PoYu3x to OMB http://bit.ly/Nppvrp STFC database ready, SSM deployed to receive StAR from dcache, StoRM, DPM, one client testing INFN will investigate using their current storage accounting system which harvests data from the BDII to publish StAR records to APEL using SSM for other systems Visualisation to be agreed Inspire JRA1 Meeting 25-OCT-2012
Inspire JRA1 Meeting 25-OCT-2012 Cloud Accounting VM prototype in use on EGI Testbed – 7 clients sending records (OpenNebula & Openstack) Visualisation to be agreed INFN to assist publishing cloud accounting records from other resource providers, initially start investigating a solution for WNoDeS but will also contact the Okeanos team to check their status. Inspire JRA1 Meeting 25-OCT-2012
Bandwidth, Application Needs detailed requirements, requested of Tier1s and EU-DAT, none received yet. Application No update Inspire JRA1 Meeting 25-OCT-2012