Book Adaptations for Students with Disabilities Anissa Andrews Tiffany Griffith Meagan Mckinney Pamela (Kate) Terry
Project Overview Part A – Pamela Kate Terry Write and create a book for students without disabilities based on the learning concept “The Four Seasons” Part B – Meagan McKinney Modify the book for students that are physically impaired by creating a movie version that has audio and will play automatically Part C – Anissa Andrews Modify the book for students that are visually impaired by creating a braille version. Part D – Tiffany Griffith Create an instructional activity using the book to teach the four seasons and incorporate the five senses and calendar year
Master Story/Book Learning Concept: The Four Seasons Target Audience: Kindergarten/Science The book is called “The Journey of the Four Seasons.” The book has two characters, Anna and John, that take students through the different temperature changes and activities each season. Students will learn how four seasons make up a year. They will learn to use their five senses to identify with the seasons. For example, cold temperatures and snow (touch) = winter, colored leaves (sight) = fall, hot sunny days and shorts (touch) = summer, flowers blooming (smell) and rain (hearing) = spring. The story was written and illustrated in PowerPoint.
Sample Pages of our Book
Physically Impaired Book The original story was then modified for students that are physically impaired, either those with no hands or with limited feeling in their hands. The original story was taken from PowerPoint and put into a movie version with audio that will play automatically. The story was burned onto a CD to make it portable. Click the link below to see the movie version! -%20Story.wmv
Visually Impaired Book The original story was then modified for students that are visually impaired. We used a braille translation tool to develop this version. The story was printed and given a raised texture in order for visually impaired students to read it. Braille Translation Website: Sample from book: Before Braille Translation After Braille Translation
Instructional Activity During whole group instruction, students will be introduced to the book “The Journey of the Four Seasons” Student’s prior knowledge will be engaged about the days of the week, months of the year, and how these make up our seasons. Teacher will then review the five senses and why they are important in being able to identify seasons. Teacher will read “The Journey of the Four Seasons” out-loud to the class, answering questions along the way. The teacher will lead a discussion in how to use our senses to identify the different season (cold temperatures *touch* = winter, brown leaves *sight* = fall, sweet smelling flowers *smell* = spring). Students will take their seats and create pictures about their favorite seasons. The pictures will be compiled into a classroom book to be read by students throughout the remainder of the year.
Learning Outcomes Challenges Lessons Learned 20-20 Determining and understanding the needs of students with disabilities since none of our group members have training in this area. Having all the resources needed to create the books. For example, we had to use puff paint to create the raised texture in the braille version of the book because we did not have access to a braille embosser. Lessons Learned How to take a story or lesson plan written for students without disabilities and adapt it for students with various disabilities. How to collaborate as a group. Each member brought a different idea to the group and we were able to learn from one another. 20-20 If we were to do this project again, we would not change anything.
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