– SERVANT, STEWARD AND INFLUENCER The Association of Integrated Schools New Zealand – SERVANT, STEWARD AND INFLUENCER Bursars’ Conference Quality Hotel Elms Christchurch September 24th / 25th 2017
Education Act 1999 (Updated 2017) Part 33 – Section 463 to 466 If provided for in the Integration Agreement the employer may “state in any advertisement for that position (tagged position) that a willingness and ability to take part in religious instruction appropriate to that School is a condition of employment … “
If the School’s Special Character is not religious in nature then …
In relation to “tagged” teaching positions: The number or proportion of positions is identified in the Integration Agreement. Tagging only applies to teaching positions (including part-time and fixed term). The Proprietor determines the criteria for appointment. The Proprietor must be represented in the appointment process.
AIS NZ is working on standards for tagged positions which supplement: Education Council Standards for Conduct and Performance Teacher Union Professional Standards
The thinking is that: Such Standards would be included in the material in the position pack material Such Standards would be part of the employment arrangements A simple process would need to be established to attest that the employee meets those standards annually That if the employer develops a concern that the employee is not meeting the tagged position standards then it has robust terms of reference against which to review the employee’s performance
COMMITMENT: We are part of the whole school community. We use our specific strengths and skills to support and promote the Vision and the Mission of the School. We are willing and able to deliver all areas of the New Zealand curriculum in a manner which reflects the School’s Special Character as described in the School’s Integration Agreement, Charter [Strategic Plan] and other documentation. We support, uphold and are actively involved in the total life of the School and its Special Character, by participating in and contributing to, where required, to special events, approved by the Board of Trustees which uphold the Special Character of the School.
We are role models for pupils, colleagues, parents and caregivers - living the Vision, Mission and the Values of the School. We refrain from doing or saying anything that would be antithetical to the School’s Special Character. We acknowledge that supporting and upholding the School’s Special Character includes the manner in which we conduct our personal lives. We are willing and able to play our part in delivering the aims and objectives of the School Charter [Strategic Plan]. We abide by the Code of Ethics for staff.
STANDARD: Demonstrate commitment to reflecting the School’s Special Character in all aspects of teaching practice. Demonstrate ability to deliver all areas of the New Zealand curriculum in a manner which reflects the School’s Special Character as described in the School’s Integration Agreement, Charter [Strategic Plan] and other documentation. Use critical inquiry, collaborative problem-solving and professional learning to improve professional capability to take part in religious instruction appropriate to the School.
Create and maintain learning-focussed environments which honour and reflect the School’s Special Character Demonstrate familiarity with the Special Character of the School as presented in the School’s Integration Agreement, Charter [Strategic Plan] and supporting documents.