Human and Computer Óbuda University John von Neumann Faculty of Informatics Institute of Applied Mathematics Master in Engineering Informatics Course Modeling and design Lecture and laboratory No. 6 Human and Computer Dr. László Horváth
László Horváth UÓ-JNFI-IAM This presentation is intellectual property. It is available only for students in my courses. The screen shots in tis presentation was made in the CATIA V5 and V6 PLM systems the Laboratory of Intelligent Engineering systems, in real modeling process. The CATIA V5 és V6 PLM systems operate in the above laboratory by the help of Dassult Systémes Inc. and CAD-Terv Ltd. László Horváth UÓ-JNFI-IAM
László Horváth UÓ-JNFI-IAM Contents Lecture Communication between human and model generation procedures Navigation Typical definition rules Shader model Tangible virtuality Laboratory task MD 7.1 Control of shape by section curves and reference plane MD 7.2 Placing solid model in realistic environment for visualization László Horváth UÓ-JNFI-IAM
Communication between human and model generation procedures Human thinking process for model definition for engineering task Information in human brain for intent EO – engineering object R - relationship Definition of form and media of communication Definition Perception 1 i n EO R 1 i m Procedures for generation and analysis of model Model space László Horváth UÓ-JNFI-IAM
László Horváth UÓ-JNFI-IAM Navigation Characteristics of navigation Offers possible variants and records decision automatically. Quick tool to include design intent in model. Offers choice in accordance with type of entity defined. Foresees possible design intents. Constraints are placed in model automatically. Intuitive design is supported. Dynamic navigation Offered solution changes as it follows the cursor movement. Actual command changes with the position of cursor. It communicates actual design rule by graphical symbol. It marks actual entities along the cursor track by different color or brightness. László Horváth UÓ-JNFI-IAM
László Horváth UÓ-JNFI-IAM Dynamic navigation Region of possible cursor positions is divided into intent zones. E. g. tangential or perpendicular, arc direction intent zone. assignment (switch) zone Element of model construction process: Definition rule It may have constraint function. Navigation or command as mode of definition. Infinite element László Horváth UÓ-JNFI-IAM
László Horváth UÓ-JNFI-IAM Definition rules Dimensional rules length radius distance angle Geometric rules fixed position, horizontal, vertical, end point, intermediate point, center. Logical rules tangential, parallel, perpendicular, concentric, with defined continuity, in coincidence, symmetric, intersect point on element alignment, connected, identical László Horváth UÓ-JNFI-IAM
Realistic visualization of surface model Parametric representation of surfaces Representation with parameters which affect appearance of surface Generation of image for visualization using shader model. Computer graphics is applied Geometric model Shades model Modeling of lighting Rendering Models of light sources Definition of points on visualized surface László Horváth UÓ-JNFI-IAM
László Horváth UÓ-JNFI-IAM Shader model Parameters Affect the appearance of the object surface Method for creation of lighting model Description of the light effects on the surface Mapping texture to surface parameters. Color. Transparency: The amount that light travels through a surface. Other parameters of the shader are defined according to the modeling method (e.g. Phong: Diffusion: A measure of the diffuse component of the light reflected from the surface of an object. Specular reflection: The type of reflection that happens when the light hits a shiny surface, Shininess: A measure of the shine of the surface, Reflectivity: It is used to determine color intensity in lighting models. Mechanical characteristics of the material. László Horváth UÓ-JNFI-IAM
Methods for creation of lighting model Approximation with facets In order to eliminate differences in shading on edges shading changes along the elemental plane in a way that matches the color along the edge. Phong method Parameters: diffusion, specularity, and shininess. It starts from averaged vectors as defined at edges. Surface normal vectors are interpolated along facets. Normal vectors are applied at defining points on the surface. Gouraud method Average of the surface normals is computed at the vertices at connection of polygons. Light intensity values are mapped to the vertices. Light intensity is computed along facets by linear interpolating of the intensity values along the facets. The result is more realistic as of the Phong. László Horváth UÓ-JNFI-IAM
László Horváth UÓ-JNFI-IAM Light sources Diffuse The light reach all sides of the object with the same intensity. Light effects from wall and ceiling or light comes through clouds can be modeled. Ambient Fills the dark sides of the object. Directional Parallel rays of light that all follow the same direction. Spot It has a limited cone of illumination. Point Similar to a light bulb or candle emitting light from a single point. Linear A series of point lights. Area A series of point lights that are placed on a surface. Volume Restricts the emission of light to a volumetric area. László Horváth UÓ-JNFI-IAM
László Horváth UÓ-JNFI-IAM Light sources Lighting Parameters Source type (e.g. spot) Color and color intensity. Light intensity. Source angle (in case of spot). Light source position Light source anchoring point and the point to which the source is directed (Origin and Target) Positions along the X, Y and Z axes. László Horváth UÓ-JNFI-IAM
László Horváth UÓ-JNFI-IAM Tangible virtuality Function Visualization of virtual space in physical space. Interaction of objects in physical and virtual spaces. Objective Placing human in virtual space in order to experience the virtual space Realization of simulations which require active human interactions. Essential technology 3D helmets. Virtual room with projected environment and objects. Haptic tools for the interaction of human and virtual space. Human motion capture. László Horváth UÓ-JNFI-IAM
László Horváth UÓ-JNFI-IAM Essential devices Virtual room Getting through walls actual environment appears. Visualization of objects in space (E. g. electro-holograph). Interactive object manipulation. Haptic sensing wired glove Input and output device. Passing hand motion information to the virtual space and feeling the effect defined in that space. Physical finger movement information is transferred into the virtual space by sensors. Tracking movement by sensing position and roll. Felling of reactions by feedback into hand. László Horváth UÓ-JNFI-IAM
MD 7.1 laboratory exercise Control of shape by section curves and reference plane László Horváth UÓ-JNFI-IAM
Closed spline curve as context of tabulated solid László Horváth UÓ-JNFI-IAM
Surface interpolating two closed spline curves László Horváth UÓ-JNFI-IAM
Surface interpolating two closed spline curves László Horváth UÓ-JNFI-IAM
Surface interpolating two closed spline curves László Horváth UÓ-JNFI-IAM
László Horváth UÓ-JNFI-IAM Surface based solid László Horváth UÓ-JNFI-IAM
Reference plane definition for mirroring László Horváth UÓ-JNFI-IAM
László Horváth UÓ-JNFI-IAM Two lumps in topology László Horváth UÓ-JNFI-IAM
Connecting lumps by multi sections solid László Horváth UÓ-JNFI-IAM
Connecting lumps by multi sections solid László Horváth UÓ-JNFI-IAM
Reference surfaces for tabulated solid limit definition László Horváth UÓ-JNFI-IAM
Reference surfaces for tabulated solid limit definition László Horváth UÓ-JNFI-IAM
Tabulated solid for outside connection László Horváth UÓ-JNFI-IAM
Tabulated solid for outside connection László Horváth UÓ-JNFI-IAM
László Horváth UÓ-JNFI-IAM Hole form feature László Horváth UÓ-JNFI-IAM
Four faces to remove at shell definition László Horváth UÓ-JNFI-IAM
Connection of resulted lumps by tabulated solid László Horváth UÓ-JNFI-IAM
Connection of resulted lumps by tabulated solid László Horváth UÓ-JNFI-IAM
Solid in the context of part in PLM data base László Horváth UÓ-JNFI-IAM
MD 7.2 laboratory exercise Placing solid model in realistic environment for visualization László Horváth UÓ-JNFI-IAM
László Horváth UÓ-JNFI-IAM Definition of product László Horváth UÓ-JNFI-IAM
Insert part to be visualized László Horváth UÓ-JNFI-IAM
Selection material from palette László Horváth UÓ-JNFI-IAM
Definition representation for environment László Horváth UÓ-JNFI-IAM
Placing texture on wall by parameters of wall surface László Horváth UÓ-JNFI-IAM
Representation of light source in model space László Horváth UÓ-JNFI-IAM
Környezet ábrázolás definiálása Placing model MD 7.2 in PLM system László Horváth UÓ-JNFI-IAM
Model MD 7.2 on the physical level of RFLP structure László Horváth UÓ-JNFI-IAM
Model MD 7.2 on the physical level of RFLP structure László Horváth UÓ-JNFI-IAM
Model MD 7.2 on the physical level of RFLP structure László Horváth UÓ-JNFI-IAM