Introduction: All Grades! Zoom In: Introduction: All Grades!
Zoom In: Is a targeted instruction reading-strategy series. The series focuses on six (6) key reading strategies and provide extensive instruction and concentrated practice, which is especially useful for striving readers, but can also be beneficial for on-level readers.
The Six Key Reading Strategies: 1. Understanding Main Idea and Details 2. Understanding Sequence 3. Recognizing Cause and Effect 4. Comparing and Contrasting 5. Making Predictions 6. Drawing Conclusions and Making Inferences (Infer) (Check out 12 Powerful Words)
Zoom In Books: Open Up your Zoom In Books. Each book includes an introduction and eight (8) lessons, targeting on reading strategy.
Features of the Student’s Book: 1. Introduction to Reading Strategy (page 2) 2. Introduction to Various Reading Genres 3. Numbered Paragraphs (page 4) 4. Zoom In! (page 4) Reading-strategy tips appear in the side margin of the reading passage and guide students in using the reading strategy in specific context to improve comprehension.
5. Chunked Text: (Paragraph) “Chunking” of text helps students to comprehend each part of the passage, as well as the passage as a whole.
Features of the Student’s Book: (Continued) 6. Getting the “Gist” or the (Main Idea) [page 4] The “Gist” is the most important information, for each page of the passage. The “Who” or “What,” etc. is important in the reading. In the “My Notes” space, students take notes on the “Gist” of what they have read. Later, students will use these notes to Summarize the whole passage.
Features of the Student’s Book: (Continued) 6. Getting the “Gist” or the Main Idea (page 4 [Continued]) 1. Who = details describing people or animal characters. 2. What = details describe objects or situation. 3. Where = details describe places. 4. When = details describe a time period. 5. How = details may explain the way something is done. 6. Cause-and-Effect Relationship = Cause = is what makes effect happen. (A Joke) Effect = is what happened. (A Laugh)
Features of the Student’s Book: (Continued) 7. Personal Vocabulary List (page 4) Students may also use the “My Notes” section to write words from the passage that they don’t know or need to learn more about. 8. Question-Format Connections (page 16+) The lessons have different types of questions that are connected to help students use information provided by the question (test) to help them find answers to other questions.
Features of the Student’s Book: (Continued) 9. Answer Explanations (page 17) 10. Scaffolding (Book Sections) Each book contains layers of scaffolding, through which students are supported by the text and/or teacher until they can work more independently. 11. Tracking Chart (page 16, bottom square) Students write the date they complete each lesson part or lesson. Students can use the scoring boxes at the bottom of the Student Book pages to gather this information.
Features of the Student’s Book: (Continued) 12. Student Self-Assessment 13. Graphic Organizer (page 2) A graphic organizer is used to visually depict the use of each reading strategy in context. 14. Selected-Response and Constructed-Response Comprehension Questions (page 18)
Start Lesson One: Page 4!!! The End: