Enjoying Literacy In Year 2 Pandora’s Box
In literacy we have been learning about the story of Pandora’s Box In literacy we have been learning about the story of Pandora’s Box. The great and powerful Zeus sends a lady made of clay to marry Epimetheus as a punishment for stealing his fire and they are given a beautiful box as a wedding gift. Pandora was warned not to open the box but her curiosity takes over….
Our Teaching sequence. Look at what a good story looks like. Learn the story using talk for writing. Write a story setting. Write a character description. Write the story of Pandora’s box. Edit and improve with a peer. Re-draft. Write the story again with a new ending.
Telling the story using talk for writing and drama!
Writing a story setting! The waves rushed towards the sand as fast as a cheetah!
Writing a character description! Her hair was as red as fire and her face was as beautiful as a diamond.
Writing the story!
Editing and improving with our peers! Looking for… *Exclamation marks *Adjectives *Extending with because *New sentence starters
We made our own magical boxes!
Helping at Home! Try writing simple sentences and read them through to check that they make sense. Write simple sentences and see if your child can add adjectives (describing words) to make them more exciting! Write sentences and extending them using the word because. Write the story again but changing the main character.