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Air Force Recruiting Service (AFRS) Maj Arris Pineda Deputy Inspector General 17 May 2017
Agenda Who/Where We Are Recruiters’ Challenge Inspector General Inquiries
Mission AF Vision Document Inspire, Engage, and Recruit Future Airmen to Deliver Airpower for America AF Mission Document AETC Strategic Plan AFRS Strategic Plan INSPIRE MISSION REQUIREMENT 31,000 Enlisted Airmen 1,118 Line Officers 711 Health Professionals 29 Chaplains Pictures ENGAGE Pictures RECRUIT AFRS mission requires success in generating 31000 enlisted accessions, as well as many AFSC-specific “niche” requirements such as Pararescue, Combat Controllers, Doctors, Nurses, Surgeons, Rated Officers, Engineers, etc. We accomplish this through three lines of effort … Inspire – Get the word out that the AF provides opportunity to serve your nation with honor, in career specialties that you can be excited about. Engage – Be the public face of the Air Force in communities, schools, advertisements, and public events nationwide. Recruit – Find qualified and interested individuals and guide them through the process of applying for and shipping into various accessions programs.
AFRS Group & Squadron Offices 3 Groups/27 Squadrons
Our Airmen … Where We Are Alask 1,273 Enlisted Accession Recruiters 24 Line Officer Recruiters 139 Health Profession Recruiters 2,739 Total Personnel AF Recruiters are spread amongst hundreds of recruiting offices CONUS-wide, and in Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Korea, and Japan. Some are co-located with military installations, but many are not. Almost everywhere you may travel, there will be an AF Recruiter nearby you can assist!
Recruiters’ Challenge SQUADRON COMMANDER 240 MILES IMMEDIATE SUPERVISOR 80 MILES 2,776 SQUARE MILES MILITARY FACILITY 125 MILES 1 Air Force And speaking of our recruiter, this slide presents an overview of a typical recruiter. The strength of AF recruiting is our recruiters. Many say that people are our most valuable asset. We in Recruiting Service take it to the next step and believe that the “right people” are our most valuable assets. We look for the best airman within the AF to represent our AF, put them through a world class sales training course, and provide them with the tools that will make them successful, including an outstanding leadership support team of flight chief, production superintendant and a senior officer (Lt Col). In all we achieve some pretty remarkable results. 3 Navy 4 Marines 7 Army
Recruiters’ Challenge Average Recruiter Area of Responsibility & Monthly Production Per Recruiter (PPR) ~1043 Sq Miles USMC ~968 Sq Miles USN ~431 Sq Miles USA ~2776 Sq Miles USAF PPR 0.69 PPR 0.84 PPR 0.68 PPR 2.19
IG Superintendent / IGI Chief AFRS IG Team AF Recruiting Service Maj Gen Harencak AFRS/IG Inspector General Lt Col Fernandez IG Superintendent / IGI Chief Inspections CMSgt Gallagher IG Deputy / IGQ Chief Complaints & Inquiries Maj Pineda IGI Team Member MSgt Valenta IGI Team Member MSgt Canlas IGQ Superintendent MSgt Rodgers IGQ Congressional Inquiry Ms. Collier
Congressional Inquiry Process AFRS/IGQ analyzes inquiry then drafts a response Congress member or staff Constituent Inquiry SAF/LLM SAF/IGQ Congress member or staff Constituent SAF/LLM Process MUST be followed to ensure timely and accurate response is provided
Congressional Inquiry Process AFRS/IGQ Analyzes inquiry and clarifies issue with SAF/LLM Verifies information with AETC/SG and AFRISS-TF. May call the recruiter if needed Drafts AFRS response Sends response to SAF/LLM AFRS/IGQ analyzes inquiry then drafts a response Process MUST be followed to ensure timely and accurate response is provided
AFRS Total Contacts Total Contacts = number of complaints/inquiries received Non-IG = Congressional or HQ level inquiries (Assist) 75% of issues AFRS processed was Non-IG Non – IG complaints are mostly constituents requesting waivers (medical or law violations) and delayed-enlistment program (DEP) discharge AFRS has 10 calendar days to respond to SAF/LL High volume of inquiries for AFRS: about 1 per day Total Contacts Non-IG IG Training
Talk to a local recruiter or go to Hot Topics Location of nearest Air Force Recruiter – GO TO Minimum requirements to join - GO TO Potential Disqualifiers (law violations, financial status, medical conditions, etc.) – talk to a local recruiter Talk to a local recruiter or go to
Talk to a local recruiter for ETP requests Hot Topics Exception to policy (ETP)/waiver requests Processed on a case-by-case basis starting with the recruiter Recruiter submits through the chain of command for consideration SAF policy effective 1 February 2017 revised policies on most common requests to ETPs – eczema, ADHD, asthma, pre-accession marijuana use) Talk to a local recruiter for ETP requests
Talk to a local recruiter Hot Topics Medical standards and disqualification Military vs civilian medical standards/records - recruits can go to civilian medical providers BUT only military providers have the authority to qualify for service; talk to a local recruiter Medical disqualification process – AETC/SG will review a record only if MEPCOM/CMO disqualifies a recruit; talk to a local recruiter Talk to a local recruiter
Take Aways A recruiter is ~240 mi away from their commander 1 AF recruiter is responsible to cover ~2776 sq m (about the size of Delaware) and to bring >2 recruits monthly Congressional Inquiry process helps commanders and recruiters focus on primary mission of recruiting High volume of inquiries and short response time is a standard AFRS continuously exceeds Talk to a local recruiter or go to
Questions? 17