Publicly-Available (and Free) Data Bases Suitable for Use by Students in Business Analytics and Statistics Courses William J. Miller Christopher M. Lowery J. Whitney Bunting College of Business, Georgia College & State University Department of Management Milledgeville, GA 31061 ( Presentation to the 2016 Annual Meeting of the Decision Science Institute-Austin, TX
Goals of the Study Present Examples of Publicly Available, Free Data Bases 69 Students, Each Identify 5 Data Bases Limitations Discuss Scope of Project Mapping the Floor of the Pacific Ocean Business Analytics Teaching Database Clearing House Interest Viability Benefits Toward Teaching Benefits Toward Research Discuss Metrics, Availability, and Maintenance Case Study: 2 Fall 2016 Business Analytics Courses
Case Study Course Project We all work for a BA Consulting Firm They Need To Develop Something Meaningful to Present to Potential Clients Each Team Finds Data Base and Presents Report Using Business Analytics Process Introduction (Data Base Source, Documentation, Validity) Descriptive Analytics (Statistics and Graphs) Issue of Categorical Variables Predictive Analytics (Regression Models) Correlation Tables, Scatter Diagrams, and Regression Models Prescriptive Analytics Target Organization (Business, Government Agency, Foundation, NGO, University, etc.) Potential Application: Linear Programming, Decision Analysis, Simulation, Other Software, Algorithms, Heuristics Benefits Job Market, Excitement About Data Analytics Process Limitations Real World, Convenience Samples, Limited N’s, Raw Data, Summary Data
Course Project Data Bases Class team data base Rows 12:30 analyze this arrests by race and ethicity 2015 (fbi) 31 bobcats ufo sightings 13,319 data squad gun ownership by country 185 fantastic 5 consumer complaints (bank loans) 641,054 politically correct nba stats ? team one poverty estimates (by zip code) 3,194 team 7 tax return data (by zip code) 4,000 test eagles college salaries and travel expenses 2,467 2:00 analytical alligators nfl stats blue team international hiv studies 5,901 database dinosaurs accidents in maryland 18,638 red team movies 5,043 swedish fish neiss injury reports 359,129 thundercats international graduation rates 39