Character Development Novel Project Character Development
Project Overview In each novel you all have chosen, the main character goes through a lot of changes/development. Character development is important when writing a story and the authors of these five novels have done a wonderful job developing the characters as the chapters progress. Your job is to come up with a way to show how your character changed overtime, by making the story come to life.
Project Requirements You will complete this project with one or two other group members -groups that have more than three people will split the group in half 2. You must use the imovie feature or any other movie making tool. -camera (live footage), windows movie maker, etc. 3. Plan out how your character developed/changed throughout the story, but start with who they are, what are their conflicts, and motivations. -map it out by chapter (1-7;8-14), use the pyramid, how did their point of view change, how did their conflicts change, attitude, motivation 4. Turn your plan into a movie using pictures (you can use the Illustrators pictures), music, symbols, and words, and live footage. Your video shouldn’t be longer than four minutes and no less than two minutes . There shouldn’t be any spoilers.
Everyone should have a part Advice Everyone should have a part Assign responsibilities: use the pyramid Keep the plot stages in mind Work together to write out the development and separate to put together what your portion should say and convey Pick the music selections together Don’t waste time By the end we should have a clear picture of who your character was and who they have become.
Grade and Due Date This is worth a project grade 35% Due Feb 10th