Come in and have a look at the survival skills of a Praying Mantis!
Questions for study What helps a praying mantis to survive ? What are some of the best survival techniques ? How do they adapt in new places ? Where do they prefer to live ? What are the most used adaptations ?
The Environment This is the type of environment praying Mantises environment they like to live in.
The Habitat that Praying mantises prefer to live in are: Answers to questions The Habitat that Praying mantises prefer to live in are: Rainforests Grass lands and Deserts.
The survival techniques that help them to survive are: A Praying Mantis will bite their victims neck, to paralyse them. A Praying Mantis will stand tall, forelegs spread and wings out wide, to look larger and to scare enemies away. The female pray mantis kills the male praying mantis after mating. The Praying Mantis camouflage into other green plants.
The Praying Mantis’ adapts to new places by: Camouflaging into green plants. Changing their food source. They become familiar to the new places.
The food chain is very important to the praying mantis even though they aren’t a major part in it, it is important.
Presenting the presenters..... Olivia Jones Ashlee Sicely Rebecca Gibson Sophie Haynes