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Presentation transcript:


The JYFL IGISOL facility High Voltage Cyclotron beam Ion guide Separator magnet Beam switchyard Ion Beam Cooler 90 bend High Voltage Penning Trap 1 2 m

Cooler layout Ion beam cooler Central beam line Cooler beam line Beam switchyard


Energy spread Collinear laser spectroscopy setup Off-line Barium beam dEFWHM < 4 eV 20 MHz doppler broadening Beam intensity cut off vs. bias voltage. Intensive beams (129Xe, few nA) dEFWHM = 1.5 eV On-line beams 105 ions/s dEFWHM = 0.7 eV Off-line 129Xe+

Delay time IGISOL delay time ~ms Without axial field: diffusion, space charge Depends on: - Einj - dEinj - pHe Without axial field up to hundreds of ms Shorter by axial electric field (down to ms region) Longer  beam bunching

ii iii iv i

Transmission - 29 MeV proton induced fission of 238U - Normal ion guide pressure 250 mbar - Skimmer voltage varied - A = 112 IGISOL beam (mostly 112Rh) - Beta count rate in two Si-detector setups, before and after the cooler - Transmission > 60 %

Bunching - Separator beam on t = 0 - 1000 ms Z +2 V +1 V +0.5 V -1V +70 V (collect) 0 V (release) Potential along z - axis - Separator beam on t = 0 - 1000 ms - Cooler end plate voltage down t = 3300-4000 ms

Delayed Ion-photon coincidence method LCR LASER IONS Delayed Ion-photon coincidence method Bunched beam method Photons gated on the ion bunch Counts Singles photons Photons gated on the ion bunch Ion Beam Energy Tuning (eV)

Bunch width - Mass and Space charge effects 174Hf ttrap = 0.5 s Gate1 = 15 ms Gate1 = 30 ms Gate1 = 75 ms Hf 15(1) ms Ti 10(1) ms (with <10 000 ions/bunch)

Ion survival in the Buncher

On-line photon efficiency in collinear laser spectroscopy (ion survival) Without the buncher - Metastable population - IGISOL pressure P. Campbell et al. Hypf. Int. 127 (2000) With the buncher - Off-line efficiencies hold metastables reduced - No IGISOL pressure effects (below fig. pIG=450 mbar)